Become an American Sign Language Interpreter

Have you ever dreamed of helping out the deaf and hard of hearing? Have you ever wanted to contribute to the deaf and hard of hearing community. You were thinking of becoming an American sign language interpreter, but you don't know how. In this article you will learn how to become an American sign language interpreter in no time.


  1. Make sure you graduate high school and go to college- if you graduate high school, you can find a good college for you. Make sure to find a college that has what you want to go into. Make sure you can afford the college your going too. It would be a pain if it was over budget.
  2. Go to college - when you find a good college for you, try to get an application for the college. A good way to get the college application is to find it online and print it off. You can also visit that college and get one if you don't feel like going online. Also one thing that is recommended is to try to schedule a campus tour, so that you will know where everything is.
  3. Graduate college - Once you graduate college you will have your degree of your diploma. After you graduate, you are free to go searching for the job that you went to college for. You must know american sign language now because they taught you in college.
  4. Find your career - Now the search is on! go online and search for jobs that are near you. Explore the websites and see who needs you to interpret. Go onto sites that have interpreters and sign up for it. Put your profile or ad online, and maybe someone will contact you and need your interpreting skills. good luck!


  • Make sure to ask as many questions as you can while you are in college, it will help you understand more of what you are learning.
  • Study when you can, because that may help you succeed.


  • When interpreting, be careful of what sign you use, because if you sign the wrong thing they may not understand what others are saying.
  • if you have a lot of studying and homework in college, don't get stressed over it because it is a way for you to learn things.