Become an Art Director in Film

On a film set, an art director is responsible for all of the artistic and visual designs used for a production including all aspects of set design, from the color of a rug on the floor to the look of a spaceship's bridge in a science fiction movie. Because an art director oversees everything from the size and construction of a set to the smallest details, he/she must possess the artistic and structural insight of an architect, an interior designer, and an artist. On big productions, the art director works for the production designer, and has a team that includes a set designer and prop master. On small, low budget productions, the art director may take on all of the aforementioned roles. Read the following steps to find out how to become an art director in film.


  1. Develop your artistic skills by taking art classes, classes in interior design, architectural design, and Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD). Many of these courses are offered as part of college studies, but you can also enroll in certificate programs or see what your local community college offers.
  2. Volunteer at a local theater, or on student films, in any position that involves creating a set. Whether you build the backdrop, design an entire set, or work as a prop master, the experience will help you build invaluable skills for your career.
  3. Build a portfolio of your best work. Take photographs of sets you designed, and if you have clippings with favorable reviews of any production you worked on, add them. If you have any film work, create a reel with clips.
  4. Apprentice with an experienced art director. Of course, this is easier said than done, but learning from somebody who is highly experienced and skilled will enhance the quality of your work. Send out cover letters and resumes, along with your portfolio, to art directors in your area and ask if he or she needs an intern or an apprentice. Don't expect to be paid for any of this work, so you'll need another source of income to support yourself.
  5. Continue to develop your skills by remaining up-to-date on CAD and design work. Try to always be working on a project, even if it's an amateur production, an internship, or a low-budget film.
  6. Look for a job as an art director. Approach production companies, directors, and studio execs by email or mail with your cover letter, resume and portfolio. Reply to classifieds on and other film production job boards.
  7. Accept any job that will help you get your foot in the door at a studio. Daily contact with others in the business will allow you to expand your network of film professionals and help you find out about positions opening up.
  8. Be courteous to everybody you meet, and promote yourself as an art director. You never know when your resume might land on the right desk and get you a call back.

Sources and Citations

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