Watch Netflix Without Your Parents Knowing What You Watched
You may want to watch a TV show or a new movie, but you feel stupid asking your parents permission, and it will show up on "Recently Watched." There's no way to stop it from showing up there, but there's plenty of ways to avoid it getting noticed.
- Make sure the movie is easily accessible from your Home. You want your parents to see it and know how easy it would be for you to click on it.
- After watching the movie or TV episode, take it back to the beginning and quit off so it appears as though you didn't watch anything.
- Play something else that was close to that movie or TV show on the Home. Make sure it's something you've already watched on there or you watched with your parents and they're fine with.
- Click off and don't think about it anymore. Don't mention anything to anyone, but don't act guilty at all, either.
- If and when your parents see it, be ready. If they say something like, "Who watched that?" just play it dumb for a minute. Look like you're thinking, then laugh and say you accidentally clicked on it when you meant to watch (whatever movie you played after that one).
- If they seem suspicious, don't acknowledge it, and continue to play it dumb. If they mention it again, laugh again and say something wonderingly like, "That movie looks so weird! I wonder what it's even about?"
- Don't lie anymore. If your parents tell you what they think you've done (and they get every word right), apologize and explain. Be ready for punishment.
- Don't do this often. If you are constantly "accidentally clicking on things," it's going to lose it's novelty and your parents are going to guess what's really happening.
- Don't always lie to siblings or close friends. They might tell your parents, yes, but it will seem less like you're all alone in a business of watching weird things.
- Don't use this to watch really creepy things, like R rated movies, or things that aren't anything like what's on your home screen. Your parents aren't going to believe that you accidentally clicked on "The Bloody Murder of the Sex God" if everything on your screen is Disney TV shows and Barbie movies.
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