Become an Excellent Student

Being a good student has more benefits than just getting good grades. It can help you get into the college you want and even obtain a scholarship! This article will give you some tips on how to become an excellent student.

10 Second Summary

1. Keep your materials and assignments organized.
2. Pay attention in class and take notes.
3. Do your homework on time.
4. Develop a long-term study plan.
5. Don't be afraid to ask for extra help.


Be organized

  1. Be prepared. Take everything you need with you to class. It would be a good idea to take books, folders, pens, pencils, homework, review sheets and anything else you need.
  2. Get organized. Staying organized in school is extremely important. If you are organized, then you are one step ahead in being successful. Keep a folder for each subject, that means that you put your math papers in your math folder, your Language Arts papers in your Language Arts folder, your science papers in your science folder, and so on. To make this easier, use color codes or label your folders.

Being attentive

  1. Pay attention in class. When a teacher is giving a lesson, take notes and if you don't understand something, raise your hand and ask questions. The more questions you ask, the smarter you'll get, believe it or not. Taking notes will help you think and help you understand what is being taught more.
    • The teachers expect you ask questions and form an impression of you from how willing you are to do so.
    • Concentrate on staying focused. Keep your eyes on the teacher, keep your ears open, and take notes.
  2. Avoid distractions in class. Do not distract others and don't be distracted by them.
    • If friends are distracting you, don't be mean! Just tell them you are working and say that you really want to focus on the teacher and maybe talk later during recess or lunch.
  3. Review your notes when you have free time. Rewriting notes taken in class is helpful if taking exceptionally hard classes, such as legal studies, economics, engineering, etc.
  4. Take some time to write some problems up, or you could ask someone to write them for you. Just remember, it doesn't hurt to go over what you have learned.

Studying in a focused way

  1. Start to read a little more. If you are not already a reader, start at your level and work your way up. You may not know this, but by reading challenging and difficult books, you can expand your vocabulary.
  2. Create mind maps. Use of mind maps can be helpful for understanding hard topics.
    • A mind map can help with revising before any exam or test.
  3. Study in a constructive way. Study is one of the key factors at any level of an education. Spending two hours a day studying increases your grades. These two hours however, have to be constructive study. Remove all distractions; this will include mobile phones, television, loud/fast-paced music and talkative friends and family members as to ensure a calm collective environment.
  4. Don't put off work for later. Make a daily routine for yourself, it really works. Keep all of your electronics such as your phone, iPod and laptop away from you as these cause distraction. When you come home from your day of learning, read through what the teacher or lecturer had taught in class that day and practice a few math problems to be right on top.
  5. Take short breaks while studying. For example: one 15 minute break every 2 hours. Don't lose your cool if you're stuck. Just take a break, then refocus on your work and you'll succeed.
  6. Find out which chapter your teacher is covering tomorrow and read it before going to class. That way you become familiar with what he/she will be teaching and will be able to target areas that you do not understand so well. Highlight the explanations of difficult concepts and ask questions when you have doubts.
  7. Go the extra yard. Attempt extra credit problems and assignments. Even if you are getting a 98% in a class, you can improve your grade and understand the material better.
    • When you are finished with your work, ask your teacher if you can do extra work.
    • Look in next year's subject book and try to figure out those problems. This will help your thinking skills and give you an advantage during the next school year. Don't skip ahead so far though that you fail to cover the fundamentals. The fundamentals are always essential for deep learning ability.

Doing homework properly

  1. Do your homework. Teachers give you homework for a reason. It is to review what you have learned that day. Take advantage of your free time. Do your homework on the way home from school and in any spare time. Unless you have a kind of school that gives you homework for reasonability and not to review. But most schools have it to review. Do as much at school as you can; you have the teacher there in case you need help. Make sure not to rush on your homework, to check over it, and to be neat. If you really want to be a successful student, you should know right from the beginning when you want to be great at anything, and when you have to put up with things that just don't seem fair. Doing your homework is not a big deal. Remember, homework can also help you develop good habits and attitudes. Always do what is asked of you.

Revising sensibly

  1. Study. It is advised to start studying at least a few days before a test. Make a study schedule. If an extracurricular activity gets in the way of your studying, tell the person in charge of that certain event that you will not be able to attend that event, or you will have to leave early. However, there will be certain situations where you will have to attend. In this kind of situation, you will just have to study another day. This is where your study schedule comes in. Write out a schedule of the week of your test and find your free time. Always remember, use your time wisely. Study as if you are motivated for the outcome of your hard work.
  2. Ask a parent or older sibling to look over your notes and create a mini-test for you three days prior to your test. Study before the night of your test.


  • Do work on time.
  • Always revise for tests and make sure you get enough sleep.
  • Have a notebook for writing down important things, like test dates, presentations, and assignments. It feels really good to write down your accomplishments and check off that box, even if it is just for yourself. Then you can read over it later and think: "Look at that, I did that?"
  • Neat writing always helps on tests or in general so it's easy for the teacher to see what you have written.
  • Do well in school, meaning stay focused, educated, and on top of your work. Stay out of trouble. Be a good kid and stay away from 'in' crowds and learn to be more mature. Be the bigger person and a nice person who is respectful and has a positive attitude.
  • Help around the classroom. Your teacher and class mates will think highly of you. Be bright and always tell the truth.
  • Use good handwriting, so that the teachers understand what you're saying.
  • Give yourself a lot of confidence and ask for help from your parents to learn much more about math, history, science and vocabulary.
  • Don't be afraid or feel stupid to ask clarity questions or try to explain the topic to the teacher if it helps.
  • Sleep an adequate amount each night. You know your own body's needs, so conform to that and keep healthy and alert.
  • If you have free time in the morning before school, study.
  • Find out your learning style (ex. visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) and look online to find out about study habits that match your learning style. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is! But be sure to answer the quiz questions truthfully.
  • Go outside more... science proves that it reduces stress. In fact, do whatever relaxes you, if reading a book is your thing go ahead or if you'd like to rank up in Call of Duty don't stop yourself.
  • Never let your parents put too much pressure on you. Tell parents who are pressuring you too much to give you space to let you breathe. Make it clear that you can't handle too much stress. After you tell them, give them a nice hug.
  • Try to teach your classmates if they don't understand the chapter or subject. It will help you to remember better.
  • If you can play an instrument, sing, or have any musical skills, try to play a little every day. Not only will it improve your skill and ability, but it will allow you to focus on homework, schoolwork, essays, etc.
  • Be sincere to your teachers, make a schedule, organize your time, and do your homework.
  • A binder can help you to stay organized. The best way to organize is to have a binder for each class you are taking.
  • Get involved. Play sports. Join clubs. Do the play. The busier you are the better grades you'll get. The more used to being busy and managing your time you are, the easier it gets and seems. Just make sure you do not overload your schedule, especially if you need extra study time.
  • Find a way of revising that suits you.
  • Live a balanced life. Your academic work is of high importance, but there must also be room for your social life and other priorities. If you become a workaholic, you will not be a successful student.
  • Having nice and clear handwriting is a great quality as it makes it easier for you to reread what you have written and so helps you learn your lessons. It also makes it easier for teachers to understand your work and so avoid any misunderstandings which could affect your grade. Giving in clear and neat work can add you extra points, or avoid having any taken away for messiness. Also don't forget to work regularly and thoroughly!
  • You tend to forget much of the information learned in the last ten minutes before falling asleep.[citation needed] Do something else before you go right to bed after studying.
  • You should always remember to stay focused, and to study hard.
  • When you are in college and high school, your grades depend on your tests. Make sure you do a great job!! If you are in the lower grades, you should still study hard and get at least A's on your tests.
  • Make flash cards, as they can be very helpful.
  • Different people concentrate better at different times of the day. Try to find the time you concentrate better, even if it means having occasional breaks to refresh your memory.
  • Ask for a tutor if you consider this will be of help.
  • Make a timetable to organize yourself.
  • Study!
  • Revise by playing a game if it works for you, such as by making cards which you win if you get the right answer before anyone else.
  • Treat all your teachers with respect.
  • Always read all formulas in maths.
  • Go for a walk or cycle outside after you study to relax your mind.


  • Don't freak out if you get a bad grade on a paper. Everyone gets bad grades once in a while; even the high level students don't achieve good marks for everything. It's not the end of the world. Just try harder next time.
  • Above all, don't cheat. Cheating doesn't teach you anything at all. Plus, if you get caught, you will get into serious trouble. It's not worth it!
  • Stay on top of your grades. If your school has online grades, then check them every other day. That way you aren't surprised when you get your progress report, and will know: 1) when you forgot to turn something in, 2) need to work on something, 3) if a teacher entered a grade incorrectly.

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