Break Into Show Business in Chicago

If you want to break into theater, film, television or all of the above, Chicago is a great place to start. While Chicago has a plethora of opportunities, it's not quite as rife with talent as New York or L.A. Your chances of making it in Chicago are a little higher than in most other entertainment meccas.


  1. Go to Chicago. The cost of living is actually extremely reasonable, so your survival on a meager income is not as daunting as it may seem. Definitely invest in a good winter wardrobe, it's freezing most of the time.
  2. Find names of photographers who take the best head shots and have him or her do yours. It's going to be expensive, but there's no way around it. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
  3. Get three monologues down solid, one comic, one dramatic and one classical. Try to find pieces that not only highlight your strengths, but are a little outside the norm. Directors get tired of hearing the year's "Top 10" over and over. The same applies to songs, if you're auditioning for musicals.
  4. Find a local actor or director to give you some monologue coaching. If you can't find one, tape yourself and try to direct your own performance. Practice in front of a mirror, just as you would for dance.
  5. If you have applicable skills or can even make copies and answer phones, register with several temporary job placement agencies. You can work one day, audition the next and never have to worry about your day job interfering with your dream job.
  6. Audition for everything you can just to get the experience. You can audition at least once a day. To find out where, check the Classifieds in local newspapers, hang out where actors hang out and call audition hotlines. Hotlines may charge a small fee, but it's worth it.


  • Do all the extra work you can. Chicago is the filming location of many TV shows and movies.
  • Learn how to skillfully apply make-up. It's an occupational requirement.
  • Networking is important and talented artists from all genres tend to flock together. Get involved in other creative pursuits or at least attend non-dramatic creative events regularly.
  • Don't balk at working for free. Think of the exposure as a networking opportunity. You can make valuable connections whether or not you are paid for your performance.
  • Many established theaters and improv groups offer workshops; take them if at all possible.
  • Hair affects the way you look more than anything else. Go to the best hairdresser possible, even if you have to make sacrifices to do it.

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