Care for Azaleas

Azaleas are known as the "Royalty of the Garden" and is there really any wonder why? These plants produce blooms that inspire poets to compose and painters to weep with joy. From brilliant and jubilant pink to luscious peach and velvety lavender, these plants produce blooms are breathtaking to behold. Scroll down to Step 1 to learn how to introduce the royalty to your garden.


Planting Your Azaleas

  1. Know if azaleas will fare well in your climate. Azaleas are generally found in Zone 6 growing areas. This means that they need warmer weather where temperatures generally do not dip below 0 or -10ºF (-17.8 to -23.3ºC). If you live in a colder climate, you might consider growing a different type of plant. However, there are some types of azaleas that remain hardy in colder temperatures[1]:
    • Deciduous varieties of azaleas like Roseshell azalea (Rhododendron prinophyllum) can survive in Zone 4. This means that they can survive in climates where the temperatures drop down to -30ºF (-34.4ºC).
  2. Plant your azaleas in late spring or early fall. These are the best times to plant azaleas, as most azaleas will bloom in the next spring. However, there are some varieties, like the ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’ and ‘Flame Creeper’ that will bloom in June or July.[2]
    • ‘Sweet September’, which is a pink bloom, is a very late bloomer that bursts into color in September, as the name suggests.
  3. Plant your shrub in the right soil. Azaleas grow well in organically enriched, acidic, well-drained soil. Your soil should have a pH level of 5.5 or to 6.0. It is important that the soil is well drained because these plants don’t do well in soggy soil. You should also avoid heavy clay when planting azaleas, as clay will choke the roots.[3]
    • If you live in a place without acidic soil, like in alkaline soil area such as Texas, you can build raised flower beds that are composed of a mixture of coarse sphagnum peat moss and finely milled bark.
  4. Pick a spot that is semi-shady. In general, azaleas do well when they are grown in a spot that is partially covered by thin shade that allows filtered light to come in. Look for a spot under tall trees. However, some species of azalea bloom better in brighter light. When you purchase your azalea, ask about your specific species or run an internet search when you get home.
    • The east and north-facing sides of a house are the best spots for azaleas as they provide less direct sunlight.
  5. Leave the plant’s root ball slightly showing when you put it in the ground. Make a small indent in the soil and then place the plant in. Cover the root ball with soil so that the very top of the root ball is still showing. Water your azalea immediately after you have planted it.[2]
  6. Mulch the ground around your azalea. Azaleas are relatively shallow rooted, so they have a tendency to dry out if they do not have mulch over them. To keep the soil moist and acidic, add a mulch of pine needles, oak leaf mold, or aged hemlock, oak, or pine sawdust. This mulch will provide the plant with the nutrients it needs so you don’t need to add much, if any, fertilizer.[3]
    • Keep the mulch around one inch deep around the plant. If you planted more than one azalea, the mulch should be two to three inches deep between plants.

Caring for Azaleas

  1. Water your azaleas regularly until they are established. These sort of plants absorb water through their leaves, so it is important to wet their foliage, as well as the area around their roots. However, it is good to water them in the morning because that gives their leaves the day to absorb the water and dry off--if they stay wet overnight, their risk of growing mold is higher.[2]
  2. Water your azaleas in the dry season. Once your azalea is established, they can pretty much handle themselves. However, in the dry season, it will be important to water your azalea. Azaleas will wilt when they become a little dry, so monitor your plant--it will tell you when it's thirsty.[4]
    • Using sprinklers to water the plants from overhead is a great way to water these type of plants--just remember to set your sprinkler system so that it waters them in the morning.
  3. Mulch and fertilize after the blooms fade. In late spring when the plant’s flowers are fading, you should give your azalea a nutrition boost. Apply new mulch to the area. Use an acid-forming, controlled-release fertilizer (which can be sprayed through a hose-end sprayer) to give your plant a boost and help it get through the summer. Good fertilizers include commercial azalea food or cottonseed meal.[4]
    • Remember not to fertilize your plant before it blooms--the fertilizer will inspire leafy growth rather than flower growth.
  4. Prune your plant. If you have a deciduous azalea, you should prune your plant when it doesn’t have any leaves and is dormant. Evergreen azaleas tend to grow in crazier shapes, so heading off a wonky branch will give your plant symmetry. Never prune after July 1st, as this will greatly reduce next spring’s blooms.

Caring for an Indoor Azalea

  1. Use the right soil for a potted azalea. As with outdoor azaleas, indoor azaleas love acidic soil, well-drained soil. The best sort of soil to use when potting an azalea is a peat-based potting mix that does not contain any lime.[5]
  2. Feed your plant every two weeks during the growing season. You should give your plant a high-potassium fertilizer specially made for acid-loving plants. If possible, get a fertilizer that contains iron.
    • You will be able to tell if your plant is nutrient deficient by looking at the leaves. If they are yellow with green veins, your plant needs more nutrients.
  3. Keep your plant’s soil moist but not soggy. This means potting your plant in a pot with a drainage hole. Azaleas don’t do well when they have ‘wet feet’--a result of overwatering--but they do need their soil to be moist. If possible, use distilled water or rainwater to water your plant--hard water like that from a tap contains chlorine and chloramine that the plant does not react well with.
  4. Give your azalea the right amount of light. As with outdoor azaleas, potted azaleas should not be put in direct sunlight, as too much sunlight could cause their blooms and leaves to turn brown and die. Instead, place your azalea in a brightly lit room where it is never in direct sunlight.
    • Double check that the variety of azalea you had does not need direct sunlight. Some varieties of this plant actually do well in direct sunlight.
  5. Keep your azalea at the right temperature. These plants do best in cool to normal room temperatures. Keep the temperature at 60-70°F(16-21°C) for a healthy plant. If possible, get a humidifier for the room you are planning on keeping your plant in, as these plants thrive in moderate to high humidity.[5]
    • If you can’t get a humidifier, you can place your potted plant on a tray of wet pebbles. This will give the plant the moisture it needs.
  6. Help your plant rebloom. Indoor azaleas have a hard time reblooming because these plants need a couple of months of low temperatures (their own winter) to be able to produce buds. During fall or winter, help your plant out by putting it in a place where the temperature will hover around 40-55°F (4-13°C). This will allow the plant to become dormant, like it would outside, and produce blooms for the spring.[5]
  7. Prune your indoor azalea. In order to get the most bloom for your buck (so to speak) you will need to prune your plant annually. Prune your plant after it is done flowering. Cut the stem about ¼ of an inch above the area where a leaf or branch is attached to the stem (this is called the leaf node). Using very sharp pruning scissors (so as to avoid tearing the branches) cut the stem away at a 45° angle. This will help your plant to produce many flowers the next time it blooms.


  • If you live in a colder climate, you should consider keeping a potted azalea. That way, you can still enjoy their beauty and they will be able to survive the harsher climate by remaining indoors.

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