Care for Sensitive Skin

Whether you struggle with frequent sunburns, persistent rashes and breakouts, or flaking and itching, your sensitive skin requires some extra care and protection. Some people are prone to allergic reactions from various chemicals or substances, others find their skin dry and flaky. Once you figure out what is irritating your skin, caring for whatever is plaguing you can be easy. Use the right products, avoid irritants, and cultivate good habits to keep your sensitive skin healthy and comfortable.


Choosing the Right Products

  1. Opt for scent-free products. Many perfumes in products like lotion and soap can be irritating to sensitive skin. Opt for products that say “perfume free,” or “unscented” on the label. Laundry detergent frequently has perfumes in it, and choosing unscented detergent to wash your clothes can really help your skin problems.[1]
    • Detergents that claim to be “deodorant” or “antibacterial” can also be irritating. It’s best to avoid these.[2] You may want to try plant-based detergents.
  2. Skip products containing dyes. Ever wonder how your pink soap got its color? Many body care products — including lotion, soap, shampoo, and laundry detergent — contain harsh dyes to make them look more appealing. Whenever possible, choose products stating they are dye-free or colorless, or when given the choice, pick the plain looking items over those with bright or unnatural colors.[3]
    • Dye will be labeled as “FD&C” or “D&C” then a color and number.
  3. Avoid acidic products. Acid found in products can cause flare ups in skin prone to outbreaks and sensitivity. Many facial cleansers contain acid because they can help to fight breakouts. Check the ingredients list and avoid products that list acid.[4]
    • Some ingredients to look for are alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, ascorbic acid, and kojic acid.[5] Borax, or boric acid, is also present in many soaps and cleaners and should be avoided.[6]
  4. Stay away from alcohols. Products containing alcohol can cause skin irritation or allergic reaction on sensitive skin. Many cosmetics, cleaning products, and even medications contain ethanol (or “ethyl alcohol”).[7] Alcohol can have a drying effect on skin, which can lead to irritation. Check the ingredients list and avoid these whenever possible.
    • Cetyl, stearyl, lanolin, and cetearyl alcohols are known as “fatty alcohols” are not as rough on sensitive skin — though note for yourself if you react to a product containing these.[8]
    • Limit your alcohol consumptions to improve skin quality, as well. Drinking alcohol can worsen preexisting conditions such as rosacea and psoriasis and dehydrates your body.[9]
  5. Protect your skin from other chemical products. Acetate is present in nail polish remover and hair dye, among other products.[10] Sulfates may be found in shampoo and household products. Hydroquinone is a chemical used for bleaching or skin lightening and may be in lotions or cosmetics.[11] These ingredients aren’t inherently unhealthy, but may be irritating to sensitive skin.
    • When contacting these chemicals, wear gloves.
    • Note if you react to products containing these ingredients. Recognizing your skin allergies can involve some sleuthing — learn for yourself what to avoid.
  6. Use natural cleaners and household products. Most commercial cleansers contain harsh chemicals. Unfortunately, what’s bad for germs is also tough on sensitive skin. Try plant-based cleaning products or those that are labeled as “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin.” Wear rubber gloves whenever you're cleaning for added protection.
  7. Use moisturizer with soothing ingredients. If your skin is prone to itching and redness, use a moisturizer with ingredients like aloe, jojoba, or chamomile. These are especially soothing to sensitive skin.[12]
    • Use heavier, thicker creams or ointments in the winter, and lighter moisturizing creams in the summer.[13]
    • If your skin is very dry, or seems to react to almost any lotion you use, try a petroleum-based products like Vaseline or Eucerin. These can feel oily, but are very hydrating and are unlikely to cause skin irritation.
  8. Choose hypoallergenic products. If your skin problems are due to allergic-type reactions — frequently causing redness and itching — then look for products labeled “hypoallergenic.” These contain fewer ingredients that are common causes of allergic reactions in skin.
    • Many products that are hypoallergenic are also free of dyes and perfumes, but not always. Even if something is listed as hypoallergenic, check the ingredients list and go for dye, perfume, alcohol, and acid-free options.
    • If you go through numerous hypoallergenic products to no avail, try using the mildest products on the market — baby products. Baby shampoo, soap, and lotion are formulated for delicate skin, and may be gentle enough to nourish your skin without irritating it.

Protecting Sensitive Skin

  1. Wear sunscreen daily. The easiest way to protect your skin from sun damage is to use a daily moisturizer that has an SPF of 15 or higher.[14] You can even use higher SPF, like 30 or 45, on your face. If your moisturizer does not contain SPF, then be sure to apply sunscreen to your face, arms, and other uncovered skin in the morning before leaving the house. Remember, you should wear sunscreen even on cloudy days.[15] If your sunscreen causes skin irritation, get sunscreen that is hypoallergenic and free of fragrances and dyes.
    • The sun is strongest between 10am and 2pm, so avoid being out in the sunlight during this interval, if possible.[16]
    • When out in the sun, reapply sunscreen every two to three hours.[17]
    • Never use tanning beds.[18]
  2. Wear clothing made of natural materials. Synthetic fibers like rayon and spandex are more likely to irritate skin than natural material. Try to wear clothes made of cotton, silk, or other soft natural cloth.[19]
    • Despite being natural, wool is scratchy and is best avoided if you have sensitive skin.
  3. Wear metal with caution. Nickel is the metal most commonly responsible for causing allergic reactions, and is present in many pieces of jewelry.[20] If you wear nickel earrings and your earlobes get red, puffy, or itchy, that’s an allergy. Avoid nickel by ensuring you buy jewelry that is stainless steel or silver. Copper can also cause skin reactions like itching and redness, as well as turn some skin a greenish color temporarily. Unfortunately, gold is also becoming more of a common allergy.
    • Nickel and other metals might also be present in small amounts on clothing, such as buttons or snaps of jeans.
  4. Cover your skin in extreme weather. Very cold air can dry out skin, as can being in very hot climates. When going outside in the winter, cover up as much skin as you can with hats, gloves, and scarves. If you’ll be out in hot, dry temperatures all day, wear sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses, and cover your skin with as much light-colored, loose clothing as possible.[21]
  5. See your doctor if you have severe or persistent skin problems. Sometimes your best efforts and careful attention aren’t enough to figure out what is irritating your skin, or how to avoid it. If you have a rash that won’t go away, skin irritation that causes you discomfort that interferes with daily activities or is getting worse over time, see your doctor.[22] They can do a patch test to figure out what, if anything, you’re allergic to.[23] There are also prescription medications available if your skin problems are severe.
    • Ask questions like, “Why does my skin get so itchy and flaky in the winter?” and, “What medicine is available if the problem doesn’t go away?”
    • If your family doctor can’t help, they can refer you to a dermatologist — a skin specialist.

Changing Your Daily Habits

  1. Take shorter baths and showers. Soaking in hot water will dry out your skin because it washes away protective oils. Take warm, rather than super hot, baths and showers. Limit how long you soak in the water. Generally, try to keep it to 5-10 minutes.[24]
  2. Don't scrub your skin harshly. Avoid exfoliating with harsh scrubs with “pits” in them, which can cause flaking and irritation. Rather, use a cream cleanser with “beads.” Stay away from rough washcloths, and instead use a soft sponge or puff. Just use your fingertips when washing your face. Softly clean your skin in gentle concentric circles.[25]
  3. Shave with care. When shaving your legs, face, or anywhere on your body, always use shaving cream or lotion. Never dry shave or shave with just soap. Shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it. Replace your razor blade weekly — shaving with dull blades can irritate the skin.[26]
    • Don’t use hair removing creams or depilatories, which can be very irritating.[27]
  4. Air dry or pat dry. After your shower or bath, avoid rubbing your skin dry with a towel. If you have time to air dry, do that by staying nude until moisture naturally evaporates from your skin. If you can’t air dry, pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel.[28]
    • To best hydrate your skin, apply moisturizer while your skin is still a little damp. This traps moisture in your skin.[29]
  5. Moisturize your hands often throughout the day. Your hands get the most wear and tear, and are exposed to the most irritation, throughout the day.[30] Carry a small bottle of unscented, moisture-rich lotion in your purse, backpack or briefcase. Moisturize your hands multiple times throughout the day, especially rubbing lotion onto the backs of your hands and over your knuckles where the most chapping happens.
    • If you’re in a profession where you have to wash your hands often, or live in a particularly cold, dry climate, your hands may take a beating. Moisturize every time you wash your hands, or at least hourly.
  6. Put a humidifier in your bedroom. Dry air irritates skin by drying it out, causing chapping, itching, and flaking. This is worse in the winter, when windows are closed at the heater is on. Get a portable humidifier and put it in your bedroom, or whichever room of the house you use most often, to keep your skin moisturized during winter months.[31]
    • Clean your humidifier often so it doesn’t grow fungus or bacteria.[32]
  7. Keep a skin care journal. Your skin may react poorly to specific ingredients or products, and if you don’t pay careful attention it may be difficult to recognize the problem. Keep a journal, and whenever you experience skin irritation write down everything you used that day – include soap, lotion, detergent, cleaning products, and even what jewelry you were wearing. Note where the irritation occurred – sometimes you can tell the reason for red or itchy skin because it’s right underneath a certain piece of clothing or jewelry.
    • Take this journal with you if you see a doctor about your skin so they have as much information as possible about your problem.

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  22. [v162088_b01]. 10 March 2022.

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