Apply Makeup in Middle School
Many girls begin to wear makeup in middle school. If you're at this age, remember that you don't need makeup. If you do choose to wear it, you'll generally want to wear makeup in a way so that makes you look natural, pretty, and sophisticated. How you decide to embellish your face is totally up to you, but remember that less can be more when it comes to makeup.
- Determine your skin type. Know if it is sensitive, oily, combination, or dry skin. Then get the appropriate skin care treatment.
- If you have acne, you should look for specific products to clear your skin, like medicated facial washes and products containing benzyl peroxide, which is strong but it works, though many are allergic to it.
- Remember to only use products meant for your skin type.
- Start a Follow a Skin Care Routine and follow it every day, be consistent!.
- If it's necessary, Ask Your Parent to Take You to a Dermatologist.
- Decide on your best feature. Pick appropriate colors that suit you well or look good with your eye color (you could go to makeup counters and the staff could help you chose the right colors) and learn to apply makeup to accentuate that feature.
- Don't go bold on lips, eyes, and cheeks. You'll appear over-done. Sometimes if you apply too much your parents and/or teachers will make you take it off and you'll get funny looks.
- Try to limit colors to neutral or nude shades that blend well and give you a natural look.
- Go shopping for makeup. Look for what is appropriate for your skin and hair color. Don't just buy the same brands and colors your friends are buying. Also, when buying makeup for the first time, go with your mom or with some friends to get second opinions!
- Try shopping at a mall makeup counter where you can get professional advice for your skin type and coloring. The initial investment may be more, but you'll be less likely to buy items that are inappropriate. Drug stores won't allow you to sample and try different colors, and the employees aren't experienced to help. Make sure you request they tell you how to do a natural routine, and before you buy the products, make sure it is appropriate and you like it.
- Look for a foundation which matches, a powder, a concealer for blemishes, lip balm or gloss, eye liner, and mascara. Some teens prefer Even out Your Skin Tone Using Tinted Moisturizer for a sheer, all-over color. You don't want to go overboard. Take off all makeup daily and re-do it every day. Never keep it on when you're sleeping as it can block pores and cause blackheads.
- Find your style and keep notes to remember the application process.
- Write down the application process and refer back to it until you can remember it. Try new colors and looks, but be sure it looks natural. As you find good ones you should also write them down. You'll eventually develop makeup looks for different outfits, events, and seasons.
- Try out tips from magazines and try to see if they can work for you. Try these out at home before you wear them out. Remember the magazines push products of their advertisers. It may look good on the model but the colors or formula may not look good on you.
- Try to coordinate your make up so that the colors complement each other. Don't wear soft neutral tones everywhere.
- Stay with neutral colors that match with your skin tone.
- Learn how to apply blush correctly so it doesn't appear overdone or highlights incorrectly. These are some common starting points to consider but every face is different.
- If you have pale or light skin, try light pink blush or neutral rose blush.
- If you have medium or olive skin, try coral blush.
- If you have dark skin, try bolder-colored blush.
- Since every face is different, you should make sure whatever colors you choose are appropriate for your skin type, skin color, hair color, and eye color.
- Apply a light powder to the face after applying moisturizer or foundation.
- When you are just starting to wear makeup, it's best to start with blush, but not too much, and maybe a little mascara and eyeliner.
- Remember to take off mascara after one day. If you forget and don’t apply makeup the next day, it will look horrible. Also, go easy on the eyeliner until you are more experienced with makeup, because it's easy for eyeliner to look bad.
- One easy way (instead of wearing mascara) is to lightly wing your eyeliner and put it, slowly becoming thicker into the wing, on your top lid just above your eyelashes to make them look longer and fuller.
- Stick to natural colors for (no blues, emeralds, pinks) eyeliner and mascara, and stick to very light colors for eyeshadow.
- Don't wear bright lipstick. Use something natural, like a tinted gloss or balm. You don't want to look obvious!
- For red blemishes, find a mint green concealer and put it on your blemishes, after that apply your regular foundation and all of the redness will be gone.
- Use good lighting when applying your makeup. If you put on too much makeup, it will give you more zits. Too much mascara and eye shadow will look overdone. You won't look good if you put on a ton of blush due to poor lighting.
- Many cosmetics are made with natural oils and can actually expire like foods! Check the labels! Unless you've been planning on getting an eye infection or a nasty breakout.
- Tinted moisturizers are often a good bet for normal, combination or dry skin. You may need to avoid makeup with heavy moisturizers if you have acne or are prone to breakouts.
- Eyeliner on your waterline (lower rim) is a bad idea unless you have very big eyes because it makes your eyes look smaller. Scientific studies show that people with large eyes are subconsciously more attractive than people without, so if your eyes aren't really really big, keep your eyeliner on the upper lash line only
- Get a close friends opinion; remember to go easy on the foundation.
- Make sure that you are actually allowed to wear makeup at your school, if you intend to do so.
- Ask someone for help who is experienced with makeup application. Not all women have figured it out, either.
- If you are in sixth grade, try light, natural eye shadows and lightly apply. For seventh and eighth grade, try medium to dark browns, oranges, pinks, and natural colors that can still be darker than a sixth graders' eyeshadow. Make sure you don't use neons or overdo it.
- If you are under the age of twelve, it is not recommended that you use anything but mascara and a neutral colored eye shadow. such as pink with a hint of shimmer to it. You don't even need mascara! Maybe just an eyelash curler and a little petroleum jelly as mascara. If you have actual acne,
- Lipstick is too much for your age so put chapstick or gloss on. It will look pretty and natural and give you a tint of color instead of a lot! You also don't need lipliner. However, if you want lipstick, do very little in a light pink or nude color and then a little clear lip gloss. This may not seem like much, but will add the perfect touch if you use a color that looks nice and still natural!
- More makeup is not always better for special events.
- Your parents may not let you buy and wear makeup to school. You should still ask about lip-glosses and appropriate skin care products (face wash, exfoliator, etc.) for your skin type.
- For just a whitehead here and there, you can apply a light liquid cover up. Get the shade one shade lighter than you natural color.
- If you want sparkly eyes, then keep reading. First make sure you have black or dark brown mascara and sparkly mascara.(This cannot be found everywhere) Apply the dark mascara to only your upper lashes. Then put a tiny bit of the sparkly mascara on you lower lashes. Then apply some of the sparkly mascara to the very tips of your upper lashes. If you do this right, you will have sparkly eyes!
- Remember not to scratch the skin. It will encourage pre-mature wrinkles, and even if you do want to look older, you don't want to look THAT old.
- Make sure that your makeup is age and style appropriate.
- Don't go overboard with the foundation, if you choose to use it. Younger girls who have clear skin don't need foundation.
- Use it though, when trying to cover up acne or pimples, but going overboard will cause more instead of covering it!
- You don't need to match makeup to every outfit. Many people opt for a few neutral colors and wear them every day.
- If you have a clear face, you might just only need mascara. Don't get too carried away.
- Ignore bad comments. If someone doesn't approve, say you like it and that's all that matters. If you want advice, ask someone experienced (such as your mother) about their opinion. You have to learn from your mistakes and some things just might not work.
- Makeup styles change all the time, but some styles are inappropriate for school, especially if you go to a school where you aren't allowed makeup. However experiment, and remember to emphasize your best features. Don't put on make up for the sake of it. Instead do it to bring out your natural beauty.
- Remember to blend your foundation! Blend into your neck which creates a more natural look and will not be so obvious.
- Use simple makeup products since your face is really young, and you don't want to damage it. Apply mascara. In fact, use brown or clear mascara for a softer look! Apply concealer (if needed) and never forget lip balm or lip gloss.
- Don't wear bold colors everywhere unless you want to look like a clown.
- Make sure you only keep a mascara for 6 months, or what it says on the bottom of the tube. Other wise, when you use it your eyelashes will start to fall out or form clumps. When you run out of a mascara wash the brush and use it to get rid of clumps on your eyelashes the next time you put heavy mascara on.
- Make sure that you have permission from your parents before you start wearing makeup…some parents don't approve of makeup in school!
- Olay face moisturizer mixed with a creamy lip butter makes your lips shiny and soft, and they don't look crackled.
- If you suffer from your concealer creasing or caking set it with some powder. If you have oily skin use a skin tone powder in oily areas (t-zone) to keep oil at bay.
- Instead of using the fuzzy brushes most lip glosses come with, get a small lip brush - it's more precise and easier to use.
- In 6th grade, only wear mascara and tinted lip balms. Unless you have acne, don't wear concealer or tinted moisturizer.
- Eyeshadow can be a blessing or a disaster. Use shades that accentuate your good features. Stick to light colors, such as golds, light pinks, or browns.
- Don't put more makeup on before gym class, the boys won’t care. If you need to, after gym class is a good idea, but make it quick!
- Don't go overboard with lipstick at this age. Shiny lip-gloss is better. Lipstick makes you look like you are trying too hard to look mature. For smaller lips, try using a lighter lip shade. If you have darker skin, try using a darker lipstick, such as medium red or a reddish shade of orange.
- Stick to only a few brands so that if you have an allergic reaction you will know which brand you should stop using. You should only try something new on weekends or breaks, when you have time off from school. Then you can get other people's opinions, and if you get a reaction, you won't have to go to school with low self-esteem.
- Stay away from glitter blushes, they could potentially make you break out, and they look tacky. Save them for special occasions.
- If you have good skin don't ruin it by doing a cleanser, a moisturizer and an exfoliator. This will just cause pimples. Simply washing your face in the morning and night with a little bit of cleanser will keep your skin clean.
- Don't use too much eyeliner. Many girls make this mistake, and they end up with raccoon-eyes. This is especially true in the winter, rainy days and when roughhousing with friends. Only put a thin line of eyeliner on your lower lash line or upper lash line.
- Mascara makes your eyes pop, so wear a coat of mascara for fabulous lashes, but take it off every night, and reapply every day, or you could break out.
- Don't go overboard. Remember that, despite how cool you want to look, you're only in sixth to eighth grade. Many magazines use a more artistic look when displaying the latest styles. They are usually photo-shopped as well, to make them look perfect.
Things You'll Need
- Eyeshadow
- Lip gloss and balm
- Cover up
- Blush
- BB Cream
- Eyebrow Comb
- Mascara
- Eyeliner