Care for Your Fingers at Work
Many modern occupations feature a serious finger work-out (typing, dialing, video-game controlling). By following a few simple steps, you can reduce the pain caused by tired fingers and hopefully prevent a repetitive strain injury from occurring.
- Replace your equipment. Use ergonomic keyboards and mouses. Get a good chair. Set up your workspace so you can be comfortable and productive.
- Consider alternative methods. Voice command dialing, touchscreens, and computer-connected pens can save your hands lots of work.
- Trim your nails. For most finger-stressing jobs, shorter nails afford more comfort. For women especially, it is important not to type with your fingernails. This not only damages your nails, but is not a good typing technique and also may erase the keyboard's letters.
- Rest frequently and completely. When you take a lunch break or other break, don't use your computer or dial the phone. Instead, read a book, take a walk, or other non-finger-using task.
- Wear protective hand wear. While not an option for typing, gloves can prevent much of the strain your fingers experience. If it is cold, wear gloves when outside, especially when driving.
- Stretch your fingers (see related wikiHows). Lightly pulling or stretching your fingers like you are going to pop them (without popping them) can often relieve some discomfort (see "Warnings").
- Keep a little kit at work: a hand moisturizer for after washing to keep hands supple, a nail file if needed, and cuticle cream.
- If your job involves a lot of typing and/or mousing, do something other than computer games when you get home.
- It is better ergonomically if you have your mouse at the same level as your pull out keyboard tray, and not on top of your desk.
- Use warm water when washing your hands in winter.
- Some guitarist specialty stores sell finger-strengthening tools, these can be helpful.
- Exercise can improve the stamina and strength of your hands.
- If your hand or finger pain is severe, this could indicate medical problems, consult a doctor.
- Many people believe popping your knuckles is harmful, it may be best to avoid doing this.