Get Perfect Feet for Summer
Especially at the end of a long, cold winter, our feet can look as though they've been hibernating. Exfoliation, moisture, and a professional-quality nail polishing can prepare feet for summer sandals, while increasing a confident sense of self-image and soothing tired or achy feet.
Giving Yourself a Pedicure
- Remove any lingering polish or nail enamel. Soak a cotton ball or pad in a small amount of polish remover. Rub the pad across your toe until the polish has dissolved and soaked into the cotton.
- For sensitive skin, use non-acetone polish remover. It may take a little longer to dissolve the polish, but it is gentler on skin and strips away less moisture.
- Soak your feet. Take a bath or prepare a basin or warm water for foot soaking.
- Add Epsom salts to the water. This can sooth achy feet but also eliminates foot odor as well.
- Clean under the nail. You can do this using a nail brush in the bath, the nail cleaning tool attached to most clippers, or the pointed end of an orange stick. You want to clean gently, being careful not to bruise or puncture the nail bed at all.
- Using an orange stick or the tool on your clippers, position the tip so that it rests against your nail bed on the left side of your nail. Using gentle pressure, follow the line of your nail bed and pull the tool sideways under your nail. This will pull any dirt or debris out from under the nail when you reach the other side. Repeat if needed until nail is free of debris.
- If nails show discoloration from debris or staining from old polish, use a lemon wedge to brighten the nail and oxidize the stain.
- Trim and file nails. Nails are easier to trim after soaking. Using toenail clippers, cut the nail straight across, being sure not to cut too close to the nail bed.
- Use the filing surface of a buffing block to round sharp edges from trimming. This also helps prevent ingrown toenails. Be sure to file in only one direction.
- Exfoliate your feet. Clearing feet of dry, dead winter skin is the first step to summer sandal weather.
- Get a pumice stone. Named for the abrasive, porous volcanic rock, a pumice stone is perfect for removing dead skin from heels and callouses. Press the stone to tough skin and, using light pressure, rub back and forth. Be careful not to rub too much, as this can create skin irritation.
- Use an exfoliating scrub. You can get exfoliating scrubs from drug stores or boutiques that specialize in body products. Additionally, exfoliating scrubs can be made at home, using equal parts of an abrasive element (like salt or sugar), olive oil, and honey. Apply the scrub to the skin and rub in circular motions.
- Trim dead skin from toes. Toes can collect thickened skin along the sides of the nail. This skin turns white after soaking. Using toe nail clippers, gently trim back white skin without cutting or trimming the cuticle at the base of the nail.
- Push back cuticles. Cuticles often look like dry skin; however, it is important not to trim cuticles on your toenails, as this can lead to nail fungus or infection. Follow the steps below to push back cuticles on your toes:
- Moisturize cuticles. To prevent tearing and make pushing the cuticle easier, be sure to moisturize the cuticle with oil or a cuticle creme.
- Use an orange stick. The orange stick will have at least one angled tip. Using the angled end, gently push the cuticles toward the base of your nails. If the cuticles are resistant, soak them for longer to soften them up.
- Apply a mask. In the same way that masks can exfoliate and moisturize the skin on our face, a foot mask can make winter feet look sandal-ready.
- Mix together 4 tablespoons of honey with a quarter cup of sour cream and a few drops of lemon juice.
- Sit on the edge of your bathtub or shower. Apply the mixture to your feet, focusing on the top of your feet and toes, along with ankles and heels.
- Let set for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse well with warm water.
- Moisturize feet. After exfoliation and cuticle care, it is important to retain the skin's moisture so your feet don't look dry.
- Apply lotion or oil in a light coating, focusing extra attention on areas prone to callouses or cracking.
- If your feet are really dry, apply a heavier layer of lotion, then cover with socks. This can be done before bed each night to improve the skin texture and overall health of your feet.
Polishing Your Toenails
- Choose a polish. You want to choose polishes that are right for your skin tone and that will coordinate with your sandals, swimsuits, and summer attire.
- Polishes can look slightly different after they dry. Before polishing nails, apply a small amount of polish to your skin. Let it dry there and see how it looks. You can do this with as many polishes as you like to see which one is right for your nails.
- If you know that you will be changing the color of your nails frequently, invest in a nail polish, as opposed to enamel, Nail enamel is usually more expensive and more difficult to remove.
- Prepare your feet for nail polish. If polishing right after moisturizing, be sure to clear your nail of moisturizer, as this can prevent the polish from drying properly.
- One way of preparing the nail surface is to take a cotton swab and apply a small amount of nail polish remover to the nail surface. Rub in lightly, then wash and dry the tips of your toes. The polish remover breaks down the oiliness of the moisturizer.
- Buff the nail surface. Using a buffing block, start with the side for removing ridges (should be the second roughest in texture) and buff the surface of the nail, being sure to compensate for nail curvature. Repeat with the less rough sides of the block, in order from roughest to least rough. Once you've reach the polishing side, the surface of the nail should be shiny.
- Use a toe spacer. Toe spacers are made of rubbery foam and are shaped with grooves for each toe on your foot. By separating the toes when polishing, it is easier to add polish neatly and toes do not rub against each other, marring the polish. Be sure to leave the spacers in place until the polish is dry.
- Apply a base coat before polishing. Base coat is usually clear or milky. It strengthens nails and helps the polish adhere to the nail surface. Be sure to let the base coat dry completely before applying polish.
- Apply nail polish. Using even, perpendicular strokes, apply a thin coat of nail polish to your nails.
- Experts say three strokes for each coat is enough-- left side, middle, and right side.
- Avoid drips. Be sure to wipe the brush and stem on the inside of the mouth of the nail polish bottle to remove excess polish.
- Let dry. Nail polish or enamel should set up and be dry within 10 minutes. You can expedite this by putting your feet in front of a fan.
- Apply a second coat. Especially with dark, saturated colors, multiple coats help to avoid streaks and improve color uniformity.
- Apply the same way as the first layer, being sure to avoid drips and uneven application.
- The second coat may require longer drying time than the first.
- Finish with a top coat. Top coat is applied to help finish the drying process, as well as offering a more finished surface to the nail. Many top coats also prevent chipping and help polish last longer.
- Be sure to leave the toe spacers in place and not to walk around on carpet or rugs until the nails have dried completely.
Protecting and Maintaining Feet
- Moisturize daily. Dry skin is less obvious when you have a daily moisturizing routine.
- Look for a glycerin-based moisturizer for intensely dry feet.
- Avoid walking around after moisturizing your feet. This can cause your feet to pick up dust or dirt and also cause you to slip on tile or wood floors.
- Wear flip flops. To avoid possible exposure to nail bed fungus or athlete's foot, never go barefoot in public showers, at public pools, or in locker rooms.
- Disinfect clippers and pedicure tools. After using, wipe pedicure tools with a disinfectant cleanser and store in a clean, dry place.
- Consider purchasing a pedicure kit or case with zipper closure. This ensures that your pedicure supplies stay together and protected from contaminants.
- Touch up or reapply chipped polish. In order to keep your feet looking perfect for summer, do a daily spot check for damage to polish.
- Apply a thin coat to areas where polish has been scuffed or chipped.
- If the chip is deep and affects the uniformity of the surface, buff lightly to smooth rough edges then apply polish over the chip. If this doesn't work, remove polish and repaint the nail.
- Exfoliate and tend cuticles weekly. Set aside time once a week to exfoliate feet, apply a moisturizing foot mask, and push back cuticles.
- This prevents any build-up of dry skin and keeps feet sandal ready.
Things You'll Need
- Toenail clippers
- A pumice stone
- Nail polish remover
- Nail polish base coat
- Nail polish or enamel
- Nail top coat
- Exfoliating scrub
- Foot mask
- An orange stick
- Olive oil or cuticle creme
- A buffing block
- Toe spacers
- If you accidentally get polish on the skin around your toes, don't wipe, which can cause discoloration to the skin. Instead, take the end of your orange stick and scrape away the excess polish. If needed, follow up with a cotton swab dipped in polish remover.
- Only exfoliate feet after soaking. Dead skin absorbs water and becomes easier to locate and remove.
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Sources and Citations
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