Not many people think of raccoons as pets, but they make great ones, if you're okay with their mischievous personality. Here's how to care for one!
Determining the Best Choice
- Decide if a raccoon is the best choice. Raccoons live around ten to fifteen years, and require vet care, supervision, enrichment, and play time.
- Consider who will look after your pet when you go away, or in case you're unable to care for your raccoon anymore.
- Raccoons can also get into a lot of trouble, and have a tendency to bite (and bite hard at that). Your raccoon will need to live in the house, or he'll just be a caged wild animal you keep in your yard.
- Research if raccoons are legal to pet in your area. Raccoons are banned in many areas for various reasons.
Choosing a Suitable Raccoon
- Find a breeder. You can ask for a list of breeders from your state wildlife commission. Look for a kit between six and eight weeks old that's gentle and quiet. Ask to wean him yourself - this will create a firmer bond between you and your coon.
Caring for the raccoon
- Build an outdoor pen for your raccoon. Raccoon love space to roam and play, so make it large enough for your raccoon to play. Raccoon also like high places and little hidey-holes to burrow away in. A reasonable 10x10 foot area will be plenty for the little guy to roam around.
- Settle a place to sleep. The raccoon won't be picky when it comes to beds. A small pile of soft hay or straw is the best choice. If you really feel like going the extra mile, a small pet bed will do, however the raccoon might not like this new bed and refuse it.
- Give the raccoon a place to raise its young. Especially if your raccoon is female, it is going to want a safe place to raise its young. A small alcove will probably do. Be very careful not to interfere with a mother raccoon and its young, as the raccoon will become very aggressive.
Feeding your raccoon
- Feed your coon a balanced diet. It should be made up of fresh fruit, vegetables, and lean chicken and fish (or high grade dog food instead of meat).
- Avoid feeding your racoon red meat and human food.
- When training raccoons, use fruit as a reward over dog treats. They seem to love grapes.
Potty training
- "Save" some of the soiled articles from the raccoon. It is very important that you place a piece of feces (use all safety precautions) at the new location. This lets them know it is their smell. Relocate the soiled item and feces to a desired location.
- Clean the undesired location with a bleach and water solution. You may need to do this several times.
- Locate a vet experienced with raccoons. Find one for general check-ups, and one that works during the night in case of any emergencies.
- Find a vet that is willing to treat it. It's unknown if rabies vaccination works on them, and they like to bite. So you should be careful, especially with other people. Your raccoon could get confiscated. [Citation Needed]
- Give your raccoon proper exercise and diet. Avoid feeding your pet raccoon nuts, table scraps and carb heavy items like grains and bread as this causes obesity in coons. Walk the raccoon daily.
- Avoid feeding the raccoon fish and shellfish due to the high mercury content in most sea creatures. Acute mercury poisoning presents itself as increased aggression.
- Never remove your coon's canine teeth. This can result in a broken jaw.
- Give your raccoon lots of entertainment. Occupy the raccoon with toys such as stuffed animals, his own room to hang out in, and a bed (complete with bedding). Play with him every day, and give him training to keep him occupied and prevent naughtiness.
- Have fun with your raccoon. Raccoons make great pets for dedicated, informed people. Plus, they look cute.
- Don't let your raccoon get fat, as this shortens his life and can cause heart issues.
- Generally adults can't be tamed very well; stick to kits if you want a pet.
- If you don't want your raccoon to destroy your belongings, give him his own toys to shred!
- Always keep track of the whereabouts of your raccoon.
- Raccoons are solitary animals and don't usually get along with other coons.
- If it bites (and it probably will) don't hit it or throw it. Speak with a firm voice and say,"no." If you hit it, it will try to defend itself. You can however, tap it lightly on the nose and pair it with a stern "no", but never more than that. If it still refuses to behave, isolate it. Put it in its home, but get it out of the situation before things escalate.
- Raccoons are very social and need lots of attention! If you work all day, and aren't home to provide this attention, maybe a Raccoon isn't the best animal for you.
- It is best to get one raccoon at a time, since the more of them there are the more likely they'll bond with each other and ignore you. This goes especially for kits and litter mates.
- Keep in mind: Raccoons aren't domesticated animals, even from a breeder, they are still innately wild. If your raccoon shows signs of agitation during training, take a break before it escalates and you get bitten. Let it go off and play with a toy by itself for a while and when it comes back to seek your attention you can try training again.
- If you plan on keeping it as a pet and don't have intentions of breeding, then do you and it a favor and spay/neuter it. It will help you down the road and you won't have to deal with the aggressive periods of late fall and late winter when it would instinctually be courting and mating respectively.
- Never hit your raccoon!
- Because of their tendency to bite and the amount of responsibility necessary for owning one, raccoons do not make good pets for children!
- If you decide on a raccoon for a pet, be prepared for biting! It's a natural reflex and can't be completely removed. To help stop it, give your coon a stuffed toy whenever he nibbles to hard on you to tell him to chew on the toy, not you.
- During mating season, expect your raccoon to be aggressive and "mark" around the house with pee.
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