Have Wild Birds Eat Out of Your Hand
If you've ever had a parrot or a parakeet land on your hand, cock its head, and look you in the eye, you've experienced the thrill of nature up close. If you are patient, you can learn how to tame birds in the wild, too.
- Once you spot a bird, move very, very slowly if at all. Try to see things from the birds point of view. You are huge, and you may be the bird's enemy! Also try holding the food out in front of yourself while you get closer to the bird.
- Start speaking to the bird in a calm voice.
- If you are close enough, look at the expression in the bird's eyes. Is it afraid? Rapid movements of the bird's stomach is another sign that the little creature is scared. If you notice this, stand still and wait.
- Feed the bird. Have some food with you that the bird likes. Put a little in your hand and hold it out.
- Be still. When the bird lands in your hand, try to hold your breath for a while and keep very still. Even swallowing might scare the bird away.
- Whisper. When you have the bird whisper to it "Hi, baby birdie" in a very soft voice
- Whistle. After that step whistle very quietly
- Here is a list what certain birds like:
- Juncos: White millet, or cracked corn.
- Sparrows: Sunflower seeds, especially hulled.
- Hermit Thrushes: Worms and fruit.
- Chickadees: Sunflower seeds.
- Purple Finches:Flax seeds
- Robins: Raisins Currants
- Crows:anything
- About half the chickadees you will ever meet will eventually eat from your hand. Purple finches are a little bit harder to convince; about one-third will eventually get the hang of it. No matter how long you try, however, some birds may never want to trust a great big human being.
- It takes skill and practice. Quite often they will fly away by the time you get within ten feet.
- Be very patient. If you rush, they'll just fly away.
- Be careful, they may bite.
- It's not that the bird "hates you" it's just that they're scared. Don't take it personally and don't give up!
- Remember, when you start feeding birds, it's a good idea to keep providing food, because soon the birds start to rely on you for food.
- Don't ever try to close your hand around a wild bird. This will terrify the creature and it will struggle to get away, possibly biting you.
- If you see a baby bird on the ground, use a towel or napkin to pick it up and put it back in its nest; the napkin is to prevent your scent from getting on the baby. This is to keep raccoons or other animals from finding the chick and probably eating it, since many have learned that human scent means food. Human scent, contrary to popular belief, does not cause mothers to abandon their baby; birds have little/no sense of smell.
- If you even replace your feet the birds will take off.
- Even swallowing will scare the bird away.
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