Carry Off Black Nail Polish

Black nail polish is a daring but surprisingly easy style. It can go with whatever you're wearing, whether it be Lacoste, or something funky you made yourself. Mostly everyone can wear it, but it may take a bit of practice to do right.


  1. Prepare a station to do your nails. You may want to do this in front of the TV, so you have something to do while you are painting. Just make sure you concentrate on the task at hand. If you do it on the coffee or kitchen table, make sure to lay down some old newspapers.
  2. Make sure you have all your materials handy, so you don't have to get up halfway through to retrieve something, or worse, rummage through drawers and mess up what you've already done!
  3. Cut your nails. Make sure they come a little bit above the tips of your fingers. Too long nails can look tacky, and too short can look messy.
  4. File your nails. File in one direction, especially if you have weak nails. Try to make either a square or rounded tip. Whichever you like best and whichever suits you.
  5. Remove any nail polish you may have had on before. Make sure the remover is dry before you start painting, or it may not be even.
  6. Push down your cuticles. Do not cut them. If you prefer, soak them in a bit of warm water so it is easier to push down.
  7. Start on the opposite of your dominant hand. This means if you are right handed, start painting your left, and vice versa.
  8. Start with a single stripe down the middle of your nail. This makes it easier to discern where you are going to paint next.
  9. Paint down the sides. Do not worry at this point if you get any on your skin, but try to avoid it.
  10. Continue to the next nail, repeating the steps.
  11. When you are done the hand you started on, either do the next with your non dominant hand, or get someone to do it for you. Personally, I like to get someone to do it for me, because I am not the best at using my left hand. It's a personal choice.
  12. When you are finished both hands, take one of your Q-tips and dip it in nail polish remover. Clean up around your fingers and cuticles. Try to avoid your painted nail, especially if it's not dry.
  13. Let your nails dry. This may take a while, so be patient.


  • Try the new matte look, black and darker colors look awesome with this finish!
  • Do this a couple of hours before you go to bed to avoid it rubbing off in your sleep.
  • If you feel going straight into black nail polish is too harsh, try something similar, such as dark blue or purple.
  • Don't get stressed out if it doesn't work for you. There are plenty of good looking polishes for you out there. Black is not for everyone, but men can get away with it almost universally.
  • Have confidence when wearing the black polish, confidence is key!


  • Avoid touching anything before your nails are dry. Black nails are ESPECIALLY noticeable if you've messed up, so the best thing in pulling them off is to make sure it's even.
  • Be very careful, as with all polishes, to not get it under the nail.
  • Using dark nail polish can leave yellowish stains on your nails. Be sure you can handle this!
  • Be aware of sparkly versions, unless that's what you want.
  • Some jobs may not allow you to wear black nail polish. Accept this and find something less shocking to wear.

Things You'll Need

  • Black nail polish
  • Clear nail varnish (optional)
  • Non-drying acetone nail polish remover
  • Q-tips
  • Flat surface
  • Nail file
  • Orange stick (Or just your other nails, after filing)

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