Cheat on a Test Using School Supplies
Cheating on a test is never a good idea. You cheat both yourself and your future. However, if you must, at least try to do it right.
[hide]- 1 Steps
- 1.1 Draft Method
- 1.2 Reflection Method
- 1.3 Just a Regular Page Method
- 1.4 Backpack Method
- 1.5 Paper Method
- 1.6 Rubber Band Method
- 1.7 I.D. Badge Method
- 1.8 Notes Method
- 1.9 Note Card Method
- 1.10 Water Bottle Method
- 1.11 Tissue Method
- 1.12 Scraps Method
- 1.13 Dictionary Method
- 1.14 Cover Sheet Method
- 1.15 Clear Binder Method
- 1.16 Scratch Paper Method
- 1.17 Binder Method
- 1.18 Twin Folder Method
- 1.19 Calculator Notes Method
- 1.20 Little Notes Method
- 1.21 Bookmark Method
- 1.22 Torn Out Page Method
- 1.23 Paper-on-the-Hand Method
- 1.24 White-Out Method
- 1.25 Correction Tape Method
- 1.26 Ruler Method
- 1.27 "Test Paper" method
- 1.28 Card Holder Method
- 2 Warnings
- 3 Related Articles
- 4 See also
Draft Method
- Bring a draft of the test with you to class. Obviously this option is only available if the teacher allows students to use a draft. Arrange beforehand to have a classmate ask for the draft.
- Make sure to write down the numbers of the questions you don't know.
- Your classmate will write down the answers and return the test draft (when the teacher isn't looking).
- This method works best for math and science tests.
Reflection Method
- Scratch the necessary notes on the cover of a folder with a reflective surface. You can do this using any sharp metal device (a compass will work). Make sure that all your notes are in small writing.
- During the test, place your folder somewhere close by where you can glance at it inconspicuously. And make sure the folder is angled properly so you can see the writing.
- To avoid suspicion, tell your teacher that the folder is for another class. Make sure you have notes and paperwork inside the folder as evidence.
Just a Regular Page Method
- Cut off the top margins of a piece of notebook paper. Write as many notes as you can on this piece of paper.
- On the day of the test, fold up the piece of paper so that it fits underneath your wristwatch.
- During the test, simply unfold the paper and hide it under your test. Because you trimmed it earlier, it should fit safely unseen under your test.
- Make sure you don't leave your notes underneath the test when the teacher comes by to pick it up.
- Note: always discard the evidence as soon as possible.
Backpack Method
- Leave your notes in an open backpack.
- Cover your notes/backpack with your leg.
- When your teacher isn't looking, move your leg to reveal the notes you need.
Paper Method
- The day before, write all the test answers on another piece of paper. This piece of paper will be your final quiz/test.
- The next day, sit at the back and take out the "final quiz/test" and one other sheet of paper.
- When time is almost up, quickly switch the 2 papers and keep the final copy in the top of the desk. When the teacher is going to collect it, just hand it to him/her.
- When the bell rings, take the other copy and crumple it up, and when you are going outside in the hallway for next class, just throw it out in the trashcan or if the teacher checks in the trashcan, flush it down the toilet.
- When switching papers, don't switch it when your teacher is next to you. If you don't want to switch, then keep the final copy in the floor and when you are going to hand it in, just pick it up, like your paper accidentally went to the floor, and later on hide the other copy.
- Beware that there are snitches and teacher's pets anywhere. They just want to be perfect to the teacher, by telling on you. It is recommended you sit where nobody else is sitting.
Rubber Band Method
- Take a wide rubber band, stretch it out really widely and place it around some books to keep it from getting small again.
- Write your notes/cheats on the stretched out rubber with a black ballpoint pen, making sure to write your letters as close as possible, while it's stretched out.
- Let it return to its original size, and the notes will just look like black boxes, not cheats.
- Wear the rubber band as a bracelet to your test, and when you need the answers, just stretch the rubber band out, and when done, let it snap back.
I.D. Badge Method
- The day before the test, write tiny notes on the sheets of paper, that you will need for the test.
- If you don't have a cover on your I.D. badge, tape it on the back. (But don't make it obvious!)
- The day of the test, have your I.D. Badge hanging around your neck, that way the badge will automatically fall into your lap.
- Make sure not to keep flipping the badge over to the side where the notes are, or your teacher will catch on.
- After the test, ball the paper up, and put it in your book bag, or in your pocket, until you get to another class.
- Get rid of the evidence.
- You can also write on the back of the I.D. with pencil. It's hard to see, but in the right light is visible only to you. When done, it's easily erasable it with your thumb.
Notes Method
- The night before the test, write your formulas on the back of a sheet of paper.
- Make sure they are light and in pencil.
- Turn to the back every time you need a formula.
- Erase the evidence and turn the test in.
Note Card Method
- Write notes on the front and back of a few note cards. If you must, study half of what you need to know, and write down the other half.
- On the day of the test, wear a sweatshirt with long sleeves. Slip the note cards into the sleeve.
- When you get the test, slip the note cards from your hand, to the second or third page of the test. When you go to look at the cards, it will look like you just are looking at pages ahead.
- When you actually get to the page on the test where the note cards are, slip them back into your sleeve and slip them on to another page. Near the end of the test, slip the note cards back into your sleeve.
Water Bottle Method
- Get a water bottle and very carefully remove the label/wrapper that wraps around the middle of the bottle.
- If it is thick enough, write your cheat-sheet/notes on the back of the label (the white part that sticks to the bottle) or attach the label to a sheet of thin paper with a glue stick or tape.
- Reattach the label to the bottle.
- Look through the bottle at just the right angle, and you will be able to read your notes through the clear water within.
Tissue Method
- Write the information needed onto a tissue.
- Put the tissue into a tissue box in the classroom (this works best with a tissue box in the back of the classroom) before the test starts.
- At some point during the test, go to the box and pull out the tissue.
- Face away from the class and pretend to blow your nose, when you're actually looking at the answers.
- If there are many people who use tissues during class, alternatively, you can have the tissue in your pocket, and then blow your nose in the back of the room. Dispose of the tissue in the trash.
Scraps Method
- Take advantage of the allowance of scrap-paper by pre-making your own. Write the notes, formula, equations, symbolic functions, etc. so that you can just look at them when you are taking the test.
- Make sure that you are still lightly tracing your pre-wrote notes during the test so your teacher won't be suspicious.
Dictionary Method
- Scribble formulas and notes in a dictionary and remember the page numbers.
- Bring your dictionary to the test. The teachers won't flip every single page of your dictionary, so the chances of you getting caught are slim.
- Make sure that you don't crack the spine of the dictionary when you are writing the notes (or else it will open to those pages when the teachers flip through). If you want to be really sneaky, crack the spine on pages that are far away from your notes.
Cover Sheet Method
- Put two pieces of paper on top of each other.
- Write your notes on the top page, being sure you press hard. Upon the removal of the top sheet imprints of your notes will be visible on the underlying sheet.
- Use the sheet with imprints to cheat on the test.
Clear Binder Method
- If you have a test where you can have a binder present, use a clear one.
- Slip the answers under the bind (the clear part), then press hard down on the binder.
Scratch Paper Method
- If you're taking a test that involves scratch paper, write down some notes on a notebook piece of paper and carefully slip it under the scratch sheet.
- It helps if you hide the notebook paper under a coat or jacket.
- Take the paper and pretend to write on it.
Binder Method
- Write your notes/formulas or whatever you need to know on a lined sheet of paper.
- Put it into your binder so that it is the first sheet of paper, before everything else.
- When the test starts place it under your desk so that if you look down your binder is in view.
- Note: make sure your binder is not upside down.
- Now simply step on your binder, and voila! You can see the answers. This method only works if you have a see through binder.
Twin Folder Method
- Get two pocket folders and put them upright on your desk.
- If your teacher is strict you won't be able to get away with this. Just pretend to be silly with the folders and hide your cheat sheet or study guide in your desk.
- Pretend to look confused and put your head on the desk, look inside at the answers. Only attempt if the teacher stays in front of the room.
Calculator Notes Method
- Write your notes on a small piece of paper and place the note inside your calculator's protective case.
- When you need them on the test, simply remove the calculator, look at the notes and pretend to be using the calculator (and probably you will be, on a test involving formulas and such).
- Be aware of how often you remove and replace the calculator into its case. If the teacher is there, he or she might notice the persistent snapping of the calculator. To get around this, you can always sneak the notes onto your desk, or on your chair, in between your legs, but once you do this, there really isn't any turning back.
Little Notes Method
- Write your notes on the smallest pieces of paper possible.
- Crumple them up and stick them under your leg or put your hand flat down over them when asked to clear your desk.
- When the test begins, pull them out and slide them under your paper and only have one answer showing at a time!
Bookmark Method
- If a teacher asks you to bring a book for when you are doing the test, bring a bookmark with notes on it. (Some bookmarks have, say.. multiplication 1- 12 on them.)
- Make sure to hide the bookmark all the way in the book. If you're done you can throw it away if not needed to get rid of evidence or erase the marks.
Torn Out Page Method
- Tear out the page(s) with all the necessary information for the test out of your textbook at home.
- Tell your teacher the next day that the piece of paper got torn out of your textbook by your brother/sister or pet.
- When it's time for the test to start, slip the torn out page under your desk and put it under your feet.
- Look under your desk under your feet when you need information. Don't look at it too much, or your teacher might catch you, and you'd have to pay a fine to the school.
Paper-on-the-Hand Method
- Take a small piece of paper, a little smaller than your palm, and write your cheats on it.
- Tape this piece of paper to the hand you do not write with.
- During the test, simply put your hand up against your head and look or some other way. Make sure you don't move your hand too much or, obviously, flip it over.
White-Out Method
- Write your cheats on the page in pen.
- Use the tape type of White-Out and delete all your notes.
- On the day of the test, use an eraser and rub it off.
- When you're done, whiteout your notes. And doodle on it so it won't look suspicious.
Correction Tape Method
- Write your notes on correction tape, then roll it back into the dispenser.
- When you need the notes, simply act as if you're correcting mistakes and read the notes!
Ruler Method
- Write some notes on the back of a ruler
- Flip it over to reveal your notes
"Test Paper" method
- On a regular page, write your name, date etc. on it.
- Write all necessary answers.
- Hide the paper when you're in the test.
- When you receive a paper, just simply switch it.
Card Holder Method
NOTE: This method only works when you usually bring a card holder to class and/or the invigilators permit it.
- Put a piece of paper in your card holder. On one side leave it blank/write something inconspicuous, and on the other side write the required stuff.
- During a test, rest the card holder on your laps and read. It helps if you've trained yourself to read sideways.
- Keep a lookout for the invigilator/proctor. If you can, memorize their footstep pattern so you know it's them approaching.
- If the invigilator comes, open your legs so your card holder falls vertical and they can't see what's on it. If you're really nervous/they're looking, close them and trap the card holder between your laps. This may be more conspicuous, however.
- Cheating is a form of dishonesty. Cheating carries serious consequences such as automatically failing the test, suspension or even expulsion.
- The best cheat is to study, for many reasons; it is a widely known cheat, it is effective, and it is allowed, even encouraged! There are many cheats on this webpage, but the best is to study.
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