Cheat On a Book Report

This is how you can get a good grade on your tough book report your teacher gave you to do that will take forever. Here's how to get it done in one night, before the assignment must be turned in. Remember to hand it in without any stains on it and without wrinkles, keep it in a safe place before handing it in, and make sure others don't touch or read it, or they can steal your ideas.


  1. Go to the Internet and search on your favorite search engine (we'll use Google) and Get Information from Wikipedia.
  2. Now search for the person or book your are using for the book report. [Ex. Helen Keller]
  3. Use more than one website. If you use the same facts from a commonly known website, your teacher will know you plagiarized.
  4. Look up on Google, "How proper essays are written" or "How to make a great book report". Something of that sort.
  5. Have a notepad or paper and pen ready to gather facts from the websites.
  6. Go to Word or your word processing software and begin typing.
  7. Type it in Arial, Arial Black, New Times Roman, or some other readable font.
  8. Remember, spelling and grammar counts!
  9. If you have to have a cover with your book report, do not heavily decorate your cover in rainbow tasteful colors, it seems a little immature. A cover and a slightly fancy title is enough, don't go overboard!
  10. When taking it off of the internet, make sure that you change it into your own words! Any seasoned teacher can tell if you took it directly from the computer.
    • Try websites like Sparknotes or CliffsNotes for good summaries and main ideas of books.
    • Make it believable! If you're in sixth grade, don't copy off a college-level book report.


  • Don't copy word for word! Any teacher can tell when you are plagiarizing, especially when you are a lazy student.
  • Always double-check spelling and grammar.
  • Make sure to include the book title, author of the book, and why you like it or dislike the book.
  • When you take it off of the Internet, take out most of the hard words, and break it down. Your teacher won't buy it, especially if you aren't the brightest student there.
  • Use a strong concluding paragraph at the end of the report. That earns extra points with teachers!
  • If you are unsure how to spell a difficult word, look it up on Look up a Definition Online, Google, or Wiktionary.
  • If your cheating plan backfires, you could also read the book.
  • The first paragraph should be an introductory: introduction to the essay.
  • If you do it by hand, make sure you have good handwriting.
  • Try not to use “I,” “and,” or “the” a lot in the essay.
  • If you decide to just write it, print it neatly in black ink, white lined paper, and white in a text not too big. Only make the title big. Don't use cursive to write it if you've never used it before.
  • Write or type 5 paragraphs or more. A report or essay at least has that many paragraphs, if not more.
  • Write the report with pen and paper, then later, type what you wrote on Wordpad, Microsoft Word, or another word processor on the computer. Word helps with most of the spelling and grammar.
  • If you don't have access to a computer, use a friend's computer or library.
  • Ask your teacher for an approval about a certain book before you do an entire report on it.
  • Re-read the book a couple of times in case the teacher quizzes you on the book.
  • Use parenthesis at least once in the essay. It's proper etiquette in literature.
  • Don't use Cliff Notes! Most teachers know what it is and when it is used.


  • If you teacher catches you, they might fail you, tell your parents, or worse.
  • Some schools will kick you out, especially most colleges and universities, if you're caught cheating and copying a book report.
  • Don't tell anyone where you got your notes.
  • Some schools have computer software to detect plagiarism, but most don't.
  • Destroy all your evidence and proof you cheated.
  • Cheating won't prepare you for tests or exams later on, which tend to be worth more marks anyway.
  • Never tell anyone that you are going to plagiarize. You could get in trouble, or even arrested if you are over 18.
  • Remember that, yes, you are cheating.
  • You still may not get a good grade in lower grades. When you hit high school, it might not work anymore.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer (optional)
  • Notepad (optional)
  • Paper and pencil

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