Cheat on a Test Using Body Parts
Cheating on a test is never a good idea. You cheat both yourself and your future. However, if you must, at least try to do it right.
Fingernail Method
- Write the information in pencil on your fingernails. Naturally, it helps if you can write small.
- If the teacher suspects something, you can easily rub the pencil marks off.
- Some teachers may accuse students of writing test answers on their hands. By writing the answers on your fingernails, you can argue that you are innocent of such accusations.
The Long Sleeve Method Cheat
- Write some notes on your arm, the front, facing you, where your veins are.
- During the test, peek inside your sleeve but do not roll it down.
- At the end of the test, make sure your sleeve is pulled up at least to your knuckles.
- Wash the notes off afterwards.
Body Parts Cheat Method
- Get a pen (red works best as it blends best with skin tone) and write little notes on any area of skin on your body.
- The ankles are good if you wear jeans and can cross your legs.
- The wrists are good if you can write on your veins with blue pen.
- On the inside of your thighs you can write formulas if you wear shorts.
- One of the best places to put notes are on your hands, for several reasons: 1) You will be using them during the whole test, 2) It is easy to hide with another hand or a shirt sleeve. Write short notes on the lines and wrinkles of your palm, the sides of the fingers, or the little piece of skin between your fingers.
Skin Method
- Write your test answers on the patch of your skin that lies under the elastic waistband of your boxers, underwear, knickers, or whatever you are wearing under your pants. If a teacher asks you to lower the waistband and reveal the answers, an obvious retort would be: "Are you serious?!?! I'm pretty sure that what you just asked me to do is illegal for a teacher to ask. It's very personal, by the way." Look shocked or else they will be very suspicious.
The Tights Method
- Before you get dressed in the morning, write in pen on your legs all the formulas, information, definitions and other helpful notes for your exam and make sure you wear clothes that cover your legs.
- This is particularly useful as many who take exams have to wear uniforms, and girls who wear tights can wear completely opaque black tights.
- Go to the toilet during your exam and simply take down your trousers/tights and there are your answers for you to read. And no teachers can ask you to pull them down!
Thigh Method
- Simply write your notes on your thigh and lift your pants/skirt up to view the notes. Make sure not to make it too visible.
The Hidden Leg Style Method
- Write your notes on a piece of paper.
- Slip the paper up your trouser leg.
- When the test has started, make your legs to shape like a number 4 with the cheating leg on the top, then easily pull the part of your pants that covers the bond paper. When the teacher or professor goes around to check, just change the position of your legs or sit down normally and the part of the pants that hides the paper will automatically go down and cover the paper again.
Hair Plucking Method
- Use tweezers to pluck patterns on your arm or hand.
- When you're taking the test, look for the pores that are missing hairs, this may stand for what ever you want to to stand for.
- Pluck your hair close to the time when you take the test (under 2 days), otherwise you may find your hair regrowing.
- This only works if you manage to get the answer sheet or equivalent. It may be better to just use some subtle body paint.
Nail Clipping Method
- Clip your nails from left to right at different heights. If your nails are short you may only be able to do true or false. If your nails are long, create a scheme for multiple choice questions, for example: 1/4 cut is A
- You may be able to pull off more than one answer per nail if your good at nail clipping. This only works in those times when you manage to get your hands on the answer sheet.
Nail Polish Method
- If you somehow have the answers to a multiple choice test, paint your nails all one color. Then do polka dots or stripes or another pattern once you come up with a color coder. Just make sure to remember which colors stand for which letter!
- Cheating is dishonest, and can seriously affect your future. Consequences of cheating can range from getting an automatic low grade to suspension or possibly expulsion.
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