Check for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC's) on a 1999 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee

If you own a 1999-2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and your 'Check Engine' light is on, you can easily check for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC's) without a scanner using just a simple key sequence.


  1. Get into your vehicle and make sure the hood, rear tailgate, and all doors on your vehicle are shut.
  2. Insert your key into the ignition slot, and turn it from 'Off' to 'On' (Do NOT start your vehicle) 3-5 times until 'DTC REPORT' appears in the odometer display for 2005-2010 models, or the DTC's start displaying on 1999-2004 models.[1]
  3. Write down all codes, starting with the letter 'P', and ending with 4 numbers (0-9). When the DTC check is done, either 'd0nE' on 1999-2004 models or 'DONE' on 2005-2010 models will appear on the odometer display.[2]
  4. Shut your vehicle off.
  5. Search online for your DTC code (it is generic for all vehicles made after 1997). You now know why your vehicle's 'Check Engine' light is on![3]


  • Don't worry if you have trouble activating the DTC check the first few times, as it is difficult.

Things You'll Need

  • Your Vehicle
  • A Pen
  • A Notepad
  • A Computer w/ Internet
  • Your Vehicle's Key
