Clean Basketball Shoes

Whether your basketball shoes cost you hundreds of dollars or just a few bucks, they’ll eventually get dirty just the same. And, the best cleaning methods for basketball shoes are pretty much the same regardless of cost. For the best results, wash basketball shoes often, by hand, with gentle soap, and let them air dry. Clean other shoe components separately, and use the washing machine only as a last resort.


Cleaning Shoes by Hand

  1. Clean new stains or soiling as soon as possible. The less time you give dirt, grime, etc. to set in, the easier it will be to wipe away. If you place a high value on keeping your basketball shoes looking like new, clean them after every wear.[1]
    • The only exception is if your shoes have an absorbent material like canvas, mesh, or suede. In this case, let caked on mud dry so that you can brush the dirt off with a stiff brush, then start cleaning. Otherwise, you’ll just smear the mud further.
  2. Brush or wipe away surface debris. If you’re dealing with dried on dirt or mud, use a stiff-bristled brush (like a toothbrush or shoe brush). If the mud or other gunk is still moist, use a soft, slightly dampened cloth.[2]
  3. Create a gentle cleaning solution. Fill a bowl or small bucket with warm water. Add a few drops of a mild detergent (dish soap works well) and swish it around so that the solution is just a bit bubbly.[2]
    • Avoid harsh detergents or chemicals, bleaches, or abrasive cleaners.
    • Remove the shoelaces before you get down to cleaning the shoes. You can clean them separately with the same solution.
  4. Wipe the shoes with a dampened soft cloth and/or soft brush. Moisten — don’t soak — your cloth or brush. Wipe the shoe thoroughly, cleaning off and re-wetting the cloth or brush as needed. Use your fingertip under the cloth — or a toothbrush — to get into seams and creases.[1]
    • Scrub a bit more aggressively in a circular motion on stubborn stains. If desired, add a tiny dab of plain white toothpaste to your dampened cloth or toothbrush.[3]
  5. Wipe away soap residue with a clean, soft cloth. Lightly dampen the cloth with plain water. Don’t dunk the shoes in water or run them under a faucet.[2]
  6. Let the shoes air dry. If there is surface moisture on the shoes, you can gently wipe them with a clean cloth first. Then just leave them in an airy, warm spot.[1]
    • Do not use a clothes dryer, hair dryer, radiator, or other artificial heat source. This could cause shrinking or cracking.[2]
    • The insides of the shoes should still be dry; but if they are a bit damp, stuff some newspaper inside while they dry.[4]
  7. Store valuable shoes for safekeeping. Once they’re dry, you can pitch your run-of-the-mill basketball shoes in your gym bag or by the front door. If you’ve got high-end or especially meaningful shoes, however, special storage techniques are advisable.[5]
    • Make sure the shoes are completely dry. Remove any crumpled newspaper from inside and check.
    • Place the shoes into individual, large zip-close bags. If you have access to desiccant packets (like those silica gel packs that probably came in the original shoe box), place one in each bag before sealing them.

Cleaning Shoe Components

  1. Scrub stained soles with toothpaste. Add a dab of plain white toothpaste to a toothbrush, dip it into a cleaning solution of warm water and a touch of gentle dish soap, and scrub away at stains or scuffs. Wipe away the excess with a clean, damp cloth, and repeat as needed.[2]
    • You can also make a paste by putting a few spoonfuls of baking soda into a bowl, then stirring in a small amount of water until you reach a toothpaste consistency.
    • Pick out pebbles or dirt caught in between the shoe treads with a toothpick and/or a stiff, dry brush.
  2. Try toothpaste on leather panels or components as well. Clear surface debris away from the leather with a dry cloth or soft brush. Wipe the leather with a clean cloth that is lightly dampened with plain, warm water.[3]
    • Add a small dab of plain white toothpaste to the fingertips of your first and middle fingers, then dip them in warm water. Rub the leather in a circular motion, then wipe away the toothpaste and dirt with a damp cloth.
    • Dry the surface with a clean cloth, then let the leather air dry overnight.
  3. Clean-White-Canvas-Shoes in an a similar fashion to other shoe materials. Basketball shoes with uppers or components made of canvas or similar absorbent materials can be cleaned in much the same way as any other pair. Use warm water and gentle soap, clean them with soft cloths or brushes, and allow them to air dry.[4]
    • You can, however, get canvas a bit more wet and scrub it a bit more aggressively if needed to remove stubborn stains.
    • If the canvas gets saturated, blot or squeeze it with a dry towel, stuff newspapers into the shoes, and let them dry overnight.
  4. Clean shoelaces separately. You can’t fully clean either the shoes or the laces if you don’t separate them. Once you remove the laces, you can dampen and scrub them with the same gentle cleaning solution as for the shoes. Or, you can toss them in the washing machine.[6]
    • If the shoelaces are frayed or overly worn or dirty, it’s best to just replace them.[2]
  5. Clean insoles and inserts with the same cleaning solution. Remove insoles/inserts and clean them in the same fashion as the shoes. Allow them — and the shoes — to dry completely before reinserting them. For odor control, try sprinkling a bit of baking soda on them before putting them back in.[2]
    • You could try throwing them in the washing machine, but you run the risk of them being damaged; hand washing is safest.
    • For overnight deodorizing, you can also dry putting a dryer sheet inside each shoe.[5]

Using a Washing Machine

  1. Consult your shoe manufacturer’s recommendations. In most cases, the maker of your basketball shoes will recommend that you not put them in either a washing machine or a clothes dryer. It is particularly wise to heed this advice if your shoes are expensive or otherwise valuable to you.[2]
    • In reality, your shoes will probably make it through a wash cycle just fine. However, only you can decide if you’re willing to take the risk that “probably” entails.
  2. Try the gentle wash cycle and low spin cycle. Use the cool or cold water setting. Add a few old towels to reduce clanging around (and potential shoe damage) during the spin cycle. Add less detergent than you normally would, if possible.[4]
    • Remove insoles and shoestrings before starting the wash. You can wash them along with the shoes.
  3. Air dry the shoes. Even if you do choose to use the washer, it’s best to avoid the dryer if you can. Place some newspaper inside the shoes and stick them in an airy, sunny spot if possible.[4]
  4. Turn up the heat for beat-up basketball shoes. If your shoes are filthy and you’re just not all that worried about whether they’ll emerge unscathed, you can try adjusting the washing machine to the warm or hot water settings. Set it to a regular wash cycle, but keep it on a low spin setting. Once again, throw in a few old towels to reduce banging around.[6]
    • Since you’re being a risk-taker anyway, go ahead and throw the shoes in the dryer afterward as well. But don’t get too wild — put the dryer on its low heat setting.

Sources and Citations