Outlet Pass

Proper attack and form in an outlet pass can allow your team to quickly reverse court action and sink more shots. This basketball technique can be practiced on your own or as a fast-paced team drill. Players like Jason Kidd and Kevin Stockton have effectively used the outlet pass to devastating effect, and so could you.[1] With a breakdown of the mechanics of this maneuver, some pointers, and some drills, you may soon be outlet passing like a champ.


Performing the Pass

  1. Jump to snag rebounded balls. Attack the ball at the highest point possible. Jump and meet the ball as high as you can in its arc off the rebound. The higher you jump, the better your chances of snatching the ball ahead of someone else.[2]
    • Pay attention to your peripheral vision as you snag the ball. Note the positions of players around the side court line. These players will be the "outlet" you pass to.
  2. Glance down court. It can be difficult to coordinate all this movement in such a short period of time, which is why practicing the outlet pass is so important. As soon as you’ve secured the ball, but while you’re still in the air, try to turn your head to look down court at possible targets for an outlet pass.[1]
  3. Make long outlet passes to the area between 3-point and free throw line. When making long outlet passes, aim for a spot on the court instead of a teammate. Try to pass so that nearby offensive teammates can pick up the pass on their drive to the net, like the area between 3-point and free throw line.[2]
    • The area between the 3-point and free throw line allows enough space for the ball to bounce once before going out of bounds, giving more time for your offense to retrieve it.[1]
  4. Draw the ball in close to your chin. This will prevent the opposing team’s defense from slapping the ball out of your hands. Once you secure the ball, draw it towards your body until it is under your chin.[2] Your elbows should be pointed out. You should still be in the air while performing this motion.[3]
  5. Land in a stable, wide stance. When you land, place your feet to form a wide base. Allow your legs to bend slightly at the knees upon impact. The hardest part about landing is maintaining the under-the-chin position of the ball throughout the motion.[3]
    • Landing in this fashion will minimize impact, which should help you keep the ball in position underneath your chin.
  6. Pivot to the outside and pass. Pivoting to the outside (away from the basket) will funnel your rebounded ball to safer territory. Pivot as soon as you land in the direction of the outlet you scoped out earlier, then pass the ball.[2]
    • Even a poor pass to an outlet can be recovered by your teammates. The heavier defense at your opponent’s net should be avoided, if possible.[3]

Drilling Passing with Teammates

  1. Separate participants into passers and outlets. The number of passers and outlets does not have to be even. Players more likely to outlet should mostly outlet, and the same goes for the passers. However, all players should try both positions at least a few times.[2]
    • Players that have experience both as a passer and outlet will have a better understanding of the difficulties facing teammates in these positions, which can improve team cohesion.
  2. Position passers and outlets. Passers should arrange themselves in a single line starting behind the free throw line. A single outlet should stand one or two steps from the sideline on both sides of the net. Extra outlets can wait at center court.
    • As players execute/receive outlet passes, they should rotate turns performing the exercise. After performing, players should not do it again until everyone else has a turn.
  3. Have passers secure the ball. To set themselves up, passers should bounce a ball off the backboard. Passers should then attack the ball, jumping to retrieve it at the highest point possible. When the ball is secured, passers should look down court for an outlet while drawing the ball beneath their chin.[1]
    • If there is a coach or a teammate directing this drill, have this person set up passers by bouncing the ball off the backboard for the passers.
    • As the ball is secured, coaches and teammates should pay attention to the passer’s form and execution. Help your teammates improve with pointers and suggestions.[2]
  4. Direct passes to land and pivot to the outside. Passers should flex their knees a little bit when they land. Their elbows should be pointed off to each side and the ball should remain under their chin. A wide stance will provide the best stability. Passers should pivot away from the basket towards the direction of the outlet.
  5. Complete the pass and rotate through players. After the pivot, the passer will pass the ball to the outlet.[3] Players should rejoin fellow passers and outlets and repeat the drill after everyone else has practiced it. Continue in this fashion to drill outlet passing.
    • It may speed things up if there are two or three active balls. This way, while a ball is being passed, other players can be getting ready with spare balls to quickly execute their part in the drill.[2]

Sources and Citations

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