Clean Kool Aid out of Carpet

Kool-Aid, tasty beverage that it is, is also amazingly good at leaving stains. This article is a guide to getting even the most persistent stains out of carpet.


  1. Dampen the stain with cold water.
  2. Sprinkle enough Borax over the stain to completely cover it.
  3. Press the Borax into carpet very gently with a cold damp cloth. The Borax will absorb the stain.
  4. Repeat until stain is gone.
  5. Pat dry with clean cloth.


  • Always dab, never rub. Rubbing the stain will force more of the stain into the carpet fibers.
  • The colder the water, the better. Consider adding a few ice cubes to the bowl or bucket.


  • Avoid walking in that area for a while.
  • Never use hot or warm water on any stain! It will set the stain, and it will never come up!

Things You'll Need

  • Cold water
  • Several clean washcloths or paper towels
  • Borax

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