Dye Fibers with Kool Aid or Other Powdered Drink Mix
Inexpensive, easily obtained, and non-toxic, drink mix and gelatin can be used to dye natural fibers. With a little preparation and know-how, you can experiment with fabric dyeing in a fun way!
- Assemble materials. The exact amount of drink mix or gelatin mix required depends on desired color saturation. One packet to approximately one pound (half a kilogram) of material is a good start.Your fabric item should be made from natural fibers, like cotton. It will work best on animal based fibers like silk and wool. Plant fibers, such as cotton and linen, will yield light, muted colors.Man-made fibers like polyester will not take or hold dye. Cotton/Polyester blends can be dyed, but will produce a mottled (heathered) effect.
- Before you start protect or remove any items you don't accidentally want to dye. This may mean putting on gloves to prevent dyeing your hands, an apron to avoid staining your clothing, and putting down plastic over carpeting or furniture.
- Dump powdered drink mix into container. Add about a cup (250 ml) of of very hot water to powder, mix well. Once mix is completely dissolved, pour this mix into the washing machine. Start washing machine cycle using hot water.
- Add your fabric to the hot water and watch carefully. Be sure to stop the cycle once item is covered completely with water. Use stick to poke item and make sure it's completely submerged. Sometimes air bubbles will keep items afloat.
- Every 15 minutes or so agitate your item, and start to check the color. Try to wring out a corner so you see color of item, not color of dye bath. Colors will lighten significantly after rinsing and when dry.
- If you want to deepen color, add another packet of drink mix that has been dissolved in a cup of hot water to dye bath.
- When desired shade is reached, a shade or two deeper than what you ultimately desire, allow washing machine to finish it's cycle.
- If your item can stand it, tumble dry. If drip drying be sure to protect area below item in case it drips.
- The first time you wear or use your item, be careful, as some color may transfer.
- Be sure to clean washing machine after dyeing in it.
- If using gelatin, try to use sugarless as it will be less sticky and messy.
- Grape or purple color tends to produce a dull, grayish color.
- If you have dye left over, consider dyeing faded or dingy items in your house, such as old T-shirts or white underwear. Colors will be less vibrant, and may even change in surprising ways.
- Wash the garment separately for at least the first 3 times you launder, as dye will likely transfer onto other garments.
- Feel free to experiment with mixing dye colors.
- If dyeing yarn, gather into hanks and tie loosely for complete color saturation, or tie tightly for variegated effect.
- Blues and greens don't seem as intense as reds and oranges, thus you'll need more if you want a deeper color.
- Red and orange Kool-Aid stains really well, and is very hard to remove from some surfaces such as carpets and furniture. Protect your surroundings from drips!
- If not using a washing machine be sure to mind step 2!
- Do not agitate raw wool, wool will felt into a lumpy mess.
- Wool items such as sweaters will usually shrink if immersed in hot water.
Things You'll Need
- Drink mix
- Very hot water
- A cup or small container
- A long stick
- Washing machine
- Fabric item made with natural fiber like cotton, wool, or silk.
- Apron
- Cleaning supplies to clean washing machine or other surfaces
- Items to protect surfaces, such as an old shower curtain, newspaper, and so on.