Clean Your Room in Five Minutes

When your friends or relatives are arriving in five minutes and good impressions count but your room is a total mess, what to do? Tidy it as fast as you can. It might not be spotless or even that clean but if you tidy it as best you can, it will probably be passable.


Use music to speed you up (optional)

  1. Turn on some music. Playing music with a good beat will help you to stay focused and enjoy cleaning. Any music would do, but usually exciting music like techno and rock.
    • If you play a lullaby, you are likely to fall asleep!
    • Turn off all distractions, such as the computer or a TV.
  2. Make sure that you pull everything out under your bed, dressers, etc.
    • Take everything you have gathered and place it on your floor to pick up later.

Clearing away quickly

  1. Push any large items, such as a chair or storage container, against the wall. This clears the floor and enlarges your walking area immediately. This takes about a minute and makes your room appear more Deal With a Small Bedroom Space.
  2. Make your bed. This changes the overall Improve the Appearance of Your Room of the room in less than two minutes. If you don't feel there is time to tuck sheets, at least adjust the duvet or throw blanket over the top to look super neat.
  3. Pick up all your clean clothes from the floor, chairs, off the bed, etc. Throw them into a basket, your dresser or the closet. Shut the lid or door. Just get them right out of sight. You can fold and hang these clothes properly later.
    • Be sure to close all doors properly; they look sloppy half opened.
  4. Put your dirty clothes in a Clean a Hamper, down your laundry chute or in an empty laundry basket.
  5. Pick up anything else left on the floor. Or, sweep it under the bed with your feet or a broom. You can tidy it properly later. By this stage, hiding is your best option.
    • Throw a blanket or throw over piles of mess. It's all one color of a blob then, which is better than a pile of mess.
  6. Get any dirty dishes out of the room. These scream grotty, so make sure there are none. Put them in with the laundry basket if you've filled one.
  7. If you have time, do a quick dust of the tops of dressers, desks and vanities.
    • If you have a pet, dust its cage. If it has a cover, toss this over the cage.

Getting stuff out of the room

  1. Pick up the laundry basket and trash and head out of your room.
  2. Bring your Avoid Doing the Dishes to the kitchen.
  3. Bring the laundry basket to the laundry area.

Final touches

  1. Finish with some decoration or candles and scent. This is only if you have time. If not, try at least to spray something fresh in the room.


  • As you walk around your room, in a crazed cleaning frenzy, pick things up as you pass by. Make sure that you have at least one thing in your hand at all times. When you get near the place it belongs, put it away and grab something else. This is a tip that really works! Use it!
  • Be you when you're cleaning. Put your things where you can remember them and also where you want them!
  • Make sure that nothing is hiding anywhere.
    • If you have things that you never use that are taking up space, don't be afraid to get rid of them. Have a garage sale or donate to Goodwill.
  • To keep your room clean, clean or pick up your room for 5-10 minutes every day.
  • Put the trash in a plastic bag and put it on the door handle. You can keep adding to it and will remember to grab it and put it in the trash as you leave the room.
  • Try to stay on task and don't stop until you are done.
  • Put all electronics in a drawer so you don't get distracted while cleaning.
  • Hang up all of your coats on your door or hanger to make your friends think that you organize your clothes in the right way.
  • If you have a little time spare time spend it on cleaning. It may not sound like the most exciting thing, but it will help when you need to have these "cleaning frenzies!" .
  • Parents know about all the cleaning room tricks usually. So putting your junk 'under your bed' is not such a good idea, for when your Mom checks your room when your friend arrives, she will probably look under your bed and poof! No friends for you! You'll have to stay home and clean it, right. So when you are putting stuff back put it in the proper place! You don't have to organize the whole location though.
  • Have your windows open. It's a good idea to air out your room. It even helps you breathe better.
  • Use these techniques at any time and not just in a dire situation.
  • Turn on some music and get your jam on. It's good to have a little motivation.
  • Play games like challenging yourself to find out how fast you can put 10 pairs of shorts in the hamper!
  • As you walk around your room, pick things up as you pass by. Bring them a little closer to where they belong:

    • Bring your extra shoes closer to the closet.
    • Bring your books and pencils closer to your desk.
    • Bring your hair brush, mirror and hair tie closer to the bureau
    • Once all your dirty clothes are in small piles, pick them all up at once and put them in the empty laundry basket.
    • Once all of your extra hats and coats are together, pick them all up at once and take them to the closet.
  • If your books are scattered all over your floor, pick them up and put them in a neat pile. Then when you have a minute or two, throughout the day (or next few days) put one or two away on your book shelf
  • Add a scent it will make you feel relaxed and will also make your room smell fresh. Use storage boxes if have them. They make it a lot easier.
  • Transform cleaning from a chore into a game. Put everything in a pile, then turn on the music and dance around the pile as you put things away. This works particularly well with getting younger siblings to help with cleaning, for example.
  • If you start with the bed, the task will be easy and you will get more motivated to keep going.
  • Don't procrastinate! If you do, it will take a longer time to clean up.

Things You'll Need

  • Music
  • Storage boxes, etc.
  • Laundry bins
  • Toy bins (if necessary)
  • Garbage bags

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