Clean a PlayStation 2 Lens

Have you ever had problems with your PlayStation 2 reading disks? By swabbing the lens, you may be able to fix the problem.


  1. Switch the power switch into the "off" position then unplug every cord that is plugged into the console (power cord, TV plug-ins, controllers, internet, memory card).
  2. Flip your PlayStation 2 over. There will be 4 soft square shaped pads; remove these from the console. If they are hard to remove, just use a screwdriver to help.
  3. Repeat this process to the 4 hard pads beneath. On the part that has vents, there will be 2 of these hard pads; make sure to remove these.
  4. If you have an internet adapter, remove it now before doing anything more. Carefully remove the top cover of the PlayStation. Make sure not to rip the silver paper looking stuff connecting the top and bottom parts. This supplies the power for the on/off buttons.
  5. Carefully remove the cover to the CD/DVD drive of the PlayStation.
  6. If there is a lot of dust/dirt on the surface of the whole thing, just swab with a dry/very lightly damp cotton swab. Swab the lens only with a dry swab. When finished, make sure that everything is dry.
  7. Take the screws from the CD/DVD drive and return it to its proper place.
  8. Return the main cover, screws, then pads to their original positions.


  • If you own one of the small versions of the PS2 console (with the swing top to insert CDs) you can access the lens without voiding warranty and without opening the console.
  • This may or may not save you money. If you do it correctly, it should.


  • This will void your Warranty.
  • Make sure to remove all cords and devices.

Things You'll Need

  • mini (glasses type) screwdriver
  • long-necked Phillips-head screwdriver
  • soft cloth or soft material (cotton swabs recommended)
  • work space (desk or table)
  • electrical tape (optional)

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