Coach Girls

Have a bunch of giggly and rude teen girls to coach? Great. No one envies you. But you can make the best of out a bad situation with the right tactics. A firm yet fun presence will get them in line before you have to bust out the timeless "I will call your parents!"


  1. Be neutral. Don't act strict or be lenient on the first day. Be firm. introduce yourself strongly.
  2. Add a touch of humor to your personality.
  3. Compliment them but DON'T overdo it.
  4. NEVER compliment them on anything else, other than their skills in the sport.
  5. Be friendly. But also don't let them forget that you are the coach and you are in charge.
  6. Make them do hard work and pick out some 'good girls' to help you.
  7. Arouse interest. Make them interested in the game.
  8. Encourage them.

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