Come up from a Back Bend
Back bends are an important part to gymnastics and dance. They're required in lots of advanced skills, so without knowing how to do a backbend, gymnastics could become very difficult! To do this you already need to know how to fall back into a bridge. Keep practicing each step and you will have your backbend in no time!
- Go into bridge position.
- Put your weight on your knees.
- Use your legs to pull yourself up while you rock on your toes.
- If you can't pull yourself up try rocking back and forth a few more times for more power before pulling up.
- If you can rock forth and back and get back up then with practice you should be able to just pull up.
- Be confident and say to yourself,"I can do this, I know I can do this, I am positive, I can do this." Questioning yourself on if you can or can't do it isn't the way to have confidence in yourself. It is proven that positive thinking leads to success.
- Don't just expect it to happen. You have to practice, stretch daily, and be confident. Completing and mastering this skill will take some time. But never give up or you will not be able to. It helps to have a spot to support your back while you come up from the back bend when you start trying off the wall.
- You can use this both ways doing a back bend from a stand position and trying to stand up from a back bend. Walk down and up the wall with your hands until you get comfortable then try it with out the wall.
- If you feel scared, ask someone to hold your back as you stand up. Then slowly work your way up until you can do it by yourself.
- Make sure you have strong legs and a good back. It takes practice don't give up.
- Do a bridge next to the wall. Make sure your hands are by the wall. Then from there start walking your hands up the wall until you are in a standing position.
- Don't be scared bending back, have a person spot you just in case and remember to stretch.
- Try it first on a soft bed, a tempur-pedic for example, to build your confidence. Once you feel like you can do it, try it on hard ground. Don't be afraid. It may look scary, but once you do it, you'll want to do it again just to make sure that really happened.
- If you don't stretch, you may get sore.
- Look at your hands as you are going up and down. Sometimes you can make a triangle and look through that, if it helps, but you don't have to.
- Put a pillow under your head when in the bridge so that it is safe if you loose strength and fall back onto your head you'll be safe. You should do this until you're confident.
- Be as confident as you can. Your mind is a powerful thing. If you say “I can't do this" then you will never be able to do it. But if you say “ I can do this" then you can get. You won't be able to do it the first time. Practice, practice, practice. You'll get it eventually!
- Try to extend your legs more to get the momentum to get up.
- Try to get someone to lift your hands up while rocking back and forth.
- Try to lift your head up straight as it will ensure that you can go straight into your next move without repositioning your head and body.
- If you don't do it right, you can hurt yourself so be careful. Always do these exercises in front of someone that can help you in case of an emergency. Always make sure there is some one in reach to help you.
- Make sure you are flexible enough! To perform a back-bend, it requires a lot of leg strength and back flexibility! If you don't think you have either of the two, please do not risk it, it is for your own sake!
Things You'll Need
- Strong leg strength.
- Flexible back.