Communicate with Your Child's Pediatrician
Talking to your child’s pediatrician is important for ensuring your child gets the best healthcare they can. However, many people don’t know how to talk to their child’s doctor or try to establish a relationship with them. To communicate with your child’s pediatrician, go to the appointments prepared, ask questions, and be as specific about your child’s condition as possible.
Planning for Communication
- Follow procedures for contacting your pediatrician. You may find yourself with routine questions that aren’t urgent. You don’t need to make an appointment or call the office. Most pediatricians have ways for you to check in about minor issues. Ask the pediatrician about the procedures for contacting them with routine questions.
- For example, some pediatricians will have set times where you can call to ask questions. Some doctors will answer these questions via email.
- Make a list of questions and concerns. Before contacting the pediatrician, write down things you want to talk to them about. This gives you a clear plan for when you talk to the pediatrician and reduces the risk of rambling or forgetting what you want to ask.
- Attend the doctor’s appointments if possible. You or your partner should go to the appointments if possible. Letting someone else go to the appointment, like a nanny or grandparent, may lead to misunderstandings or incorrect instructions.
- Find a primary pediatrician. You should Choose-a-Pediatrician that you choose as your set caregiver for your child. This allows you to establish a relationship with the pediatrician who knows your child and their medical history.
- Make sure the pediatrician you choose is someone you trust and like.
Communicating with the Doctor
- Be specific with your child’s symptoms. When you talk to the pediatrician, have a prepared list of symptoms and problems you have noticed with your child. Having this prepared helps you communicate all of the symptoms, which you may forget if you try to come up with them in the office or on the phone. Specific symptoms can allow the doctor help you better over the phone, or have all the information during the exam.
- Start with your child’s temperature. An accurate, up-to-date temperature can help give the doctor a good indication of what is wrong with your child.
- If your child is vomiting, tell them how many times it has happened.
- Provide any medication and prior health problems.
- Ask questions or for explanations. If you are not sure about a diagnosis or treatment, ask your pediatrician to help you understand it. You can also ask them to explain things in more simpler terms if you don’t understand the medical terms. This will help you trust what they diagnose and prescribe so you are comfortable with your child’s treatment.
- For example, you can say, “I don’t understand what that means exactly. Can you explain that to me so I can understand?”
- Tell the doctor what you have already tried to treat your child. You can help the doctor provide the correct treatment by letting them know what you have already tried. This includes any over-the-counter medications that you have given your child.
- You should also tell them about any other remedies you have tried, like using cold compresses or oatmeal baths.
- Tell the doctor about any significant life changes. Being open with your pediatrician about things going on in your child’s life can help them better treat your child. These life events may affect your child’s behavior, health, or development. If your pediatrician has this information, they can get you the proper resources or refer you to a specialist.
- For example, tell the pediatrician about deaths, divorces, or moves. You may also tell them about any problems at school or home.
- Let the doctor know if there are any problems with treatment. After your child goes home, assess their progress. If a medication doesn’t work or your child develops side effects, you should contact your pediatrician. You should also talk to them if your child gets worse.
- Question what doesn’t feel right. Though you should trust your child’s pediatrician, you also know your child. If you think your child is off, let the doctor know. Help the doctor understand your child better since you know them and your pediatrician only sees them a few times a year. If you feel like something isn’t right, talk to the doctor.
- You can question side effects and the safety of a medication, or if the something is necessary.
- Be open to additional appointments. If you go to an appointment where your child is being treated for an illness, your pediatrician may not be able to discuss behavioral or developmental problems during that visit. Instead, they may suggest making a future appointment to focus solely on those problems.
- Try not to feel like the pediatrician is ignoring your concerns. Since the appointment was made for a different issue, that is their first priority. Making an appointment for a different problem will give you both more time to discuss the other concerns.
Encouraging a Positive Relationship
- Pay attention during the office visit. When you are in the appointment, make sure you are not distracted. Put away cell phones or tablets. If you can, let other children stay with someone else. This helps you fully understand what the doctor is saying and not ask unnecessary questions that have already been answered.
- Contact the office for routine questions. Most pediatrician offices have nurses or other office staff who can answer questions about simple matters and minor illnesses. They can also assist you in determining whether or not you need an appointment. This helps you avoid asking simple questions during an appointment or calling the doctor unnecessarily.
- If there is a problem the staff cannot answer, they can contact the doctor so they can get back to you.
- Use caution with outside research. Parents today are able to research and learn more about their children’s development and health, which allows parents to be more actively involved. However, doing too much research can lead to miscommunication and conflict between you and your doctor.
- You can use your research to ask your doctor questions and understand your child’s problems better. However, try not to argue with your doctor about every thing you saw on the internet. When you do internet research, make sure it is from a reputable source.
- Have realistic expectations for your doctor. Some parents expect prescription medication for their child for every condition their child has. For many minor illnesses, a doctor may not prescribe medication but suggest waiting to see how your child’s condition goes. Be aware that your pediatrician may recommend waiting and watching your child's condition instead of prescribing medication. This is common, so do not get upset.
- You can ask your doctor about why waiting is a good option. Ask them to explain how this is a better treatment option.
Sources and Citations
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