Compete in the Demo Category in Forensics

Forensics is a wonderful activity where you stand in front of a judge and make a speech or read a piece. Demo is a category in this activity where you tell how to do something. Read on for a guide in creating your own demo.


  1. Pick a topic. This topic must be something that you know how to do, that you can show. Oragami, for example, is one demo option. You could bring paper and explain how to make different animals. Soccer is yet another option. With the help of a ball you could show how to dribble or do other moves. Your topic has to be something that you personally love. Don't pick something that you hate because you are going to have to work with it for a while, probably the entire forensics season.
  2. Create an outline. Now that you have your topic, you can write out your ideas on paper. This doesn't have to be a formal outline, just a couple of aspects you'd like to cover. For example, if you chose soccer you might write down history, rules, and moves. Under history, rules, and moves you would write little notes, things you wanted to say. Under moves you might have "dribbling".
  3. Write your speech. With the help of your outline, actually write out the speech. You can use a computer right away if you wish or you can type it later.
  4. Read your speech aloud. Read it through a couple times and see how you like it. Make changes as you read with a pen or pencil.
  5. Share your speech with someone else. Ask the person for suggestions and see if they can give you any CC. Now is also a good time to give a copy to your coach.
  6. Make final changes on the wording in your speech. Make sure this is how you want it to be...that you have added in all friend and coach suggestions and your own thoughts.
  7. Practice your final product. Run through it as many times as you can and time it. It can not be over 10 minutes and that includes set up time for your props.
  8. Find clothes and props. You should dress to impress for these competitions, but if you have a uniform that goes with your topic, wear it. For example, if you are doing soccer wear your soccer uniform. For props, look for the objects you will need for the demo. For soccer you might need your ball, your trophies, a net. Other objects that work well for demos are posters complete with pictures and large text and a white board and makers.
  9. Practice and time with props and your costume/dress clothes.
  10. Perform and be confident! You've worked hard so show those judges what you've got!


  • Smile when you are performing. Judges like that.
  • Note cards are allowed in demo, but it is frowned upon so memorize your speech if you can. It shouldn't be hard as you wrote the speech yourself!
  • Memorization can be achieved just by reading it again and again or by writing it out. You can also tape it and listen to it before bed or say it in your head during a class.
  • Get support from family and friends. It's fun to have people care about you come watch, so ask them if they want to!


  • Don't be a bad sport if you don't do well as this can cause problems.

Things You'll Need

  • A speech
  • Pen/pencil
  • Clothes
  • Props

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