Condition Type 4A and 4B Natural Hair

Relaxers have seen a dive in the African American women community. Afros, braids, cornrows, bantu knots and other natural styles are being worn more frequently. The advantages of healthy shine and strands without damaging chemicals has become increasingly appealing. Already natural coils need some nourishment and conditioning!


  1. Know your hair. Not all naturals respond to popular conditioning oils or creams i.e., coconut oil or Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In conditioner. There are many conditioners that contain silicones just as there are conditioners with no additives outside natural ingredients. Know what your hair responds to. This is how you will pick the best conditioner.
  2. Grab your tools. You will need a wide tooth comb (or Denman brush if you have one), your conditioner of choice, clips to section your hair, and a plastic cap.
  3. Get wet! Under no circumstances must you run a comb through your hair without wetting it first. Type 4a and type 4b hair is very dry and you must be gentle. Wet your hair thoroughly before parting it into four sections.
  4. Part your hair. This is where the wide tooth comb comes in handy. Using your fingers is just as good as an alternative but if you are looking for a defined part use the comb. While you part your hair in four sections, pick up your clips to secure remaining sections. Leave one section of hair loose to start your conditioning.
  5. Add your conditioner. Squeeze as much conditioner in your hand as you see fit. Many type 4A/B natural women have porous, thick hair so the amount of conditioner you use is up to you. Massage and finger the conditioner through your hair. Take the comb (or Denman brush) and begin detangling your hair gently, starting at the ends. Once you've completely detangled this section, twist it! This will retain the moisture and save time for detangling it again when you get out the shower. Do this throughout your entire head.
  6. Put on your cap. Take the plastic cap and leave it on your hair for at least 10 minutes. The hair absorbs the product more this way, giving you deeper conditioning.
  7. Rinse. Without taking the twists out, place your head under the water as you squeeze the product out of your strands. For example, you would take your fingers and proceed to twist your hair as if you were wringing out a towel.
  8. Blot your hair to soak up the excess water and shake your hair out! You are now finished conditioning your hair. At this point your hair is detangled and completely conditioned. You can leave it as a wash and go style or do what you please! Adding a styling cream or homemade mixture at this point is ideal to keep your hair moisturized. Remember, washing your hair with just conditioner (also known as co-washing) is healthier for your hair and you can do it as often as you like. There's no worrying your hair is being stripped like when you use shampoos that contain sulfates.


  • Invest in a great Leave-In Conditioner, which will serve as the base for moisturizing after a co-washed has been performed. This should be done before the moisturizer has been added to the hair!
  • Be sure to experiment with products. It's the best way to learn what works best for your hair. Lines like Shea Moisture, Cantu, La Bella and V05 are great places to start. These lines are decently priced too!

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