Conduct an Unbiased Interview

In today's world, we as a society would like to make things as fair as possible for everyone, and although we've made progress, we still aren't there yet. When looking at racial profiling the question is, how can you hire/interview someone without judging them based off ethnicity, where they come from, religion, etc.


  1. Qualify through straight criteria. This will automatically weed out anyone who doesn't fit your standards. Criteria meaning level of education received, and how well they did in that level of education. This could also include awards and other achievements. Lots of people may apply for a position but a company can narrow down to their standards based off academics alone here.
  2. After a company has weeded out anyone who wouldn't make a serious candidate based off criteria, they are then required to take a Myers Briggs test. This is a fairly accurate personality test to give the employer a decent idea at what a candidates character may look like. There are 16 different personalities and everyone fits into one.
    • No choices are supposed to be decided based on this but its just to give the employer an idea.
  3. Head to an outsourcing recruiting company. The people who have made it past these first two steps are taken to this third, where they are actually interviewed by a company whose job it is to interview.
    • The process would look much like the image above, only difference being step one would be taken by the company seeking employees.
  4. By the time an employee is actually hired, out of all the candidates to apply you've got one of the best people for the job, guaranteed.


  • This process could and most likely would be very lengthy.