Interview a Client for an Engineering Project
Most engineering projects involve a client who comes forth and seeks assistance in designing a new device or system. This client is the one who will be interacting with the final product most frequently, so it is important to bear in mind the things they want to see in the design and the things they want to avoid. To obtain this information however, you usually need to conduct an interview with the client. Getting the most out of this interview and ensuring that the client has the ability to fully explain their desires is integral to the engineering process, so taking a systematic approach to preparing for this interview will be beneficial.
- Research the group or individual that is to be interviewed. Understanding the client's circumstance, including the problem they face and their need for a new system is crucial in developing a suitable solution. Research can most easily be done through the company website if the client is representing a company or a resume if the client is an individual. How will your expertise benefit the collaboration? More information will be obtained at the interview, but always come prepared to an interview with at least some context of the scenario.
- Exchange contact information. Communication is key to any successful relationship, and the relationship between you and your client is no different. Be sure to make yourself available through cell phone numbers, email addresses and even professional websites if you have one. Politely ask for contact information from the client and be ready to use whatever they offer.
- Analyze your strengths. Why is the client choosing to come to you instead of someone else? What skills and experience do you have that would suggest to them that you are a good fit? Think of any reason you can, obvious or not. Additionally, make sure you know what you are capable of offering so you do not take on something that would be best done by another individual.
- Set up a time and place to meet. Ensure that the location is convenient for both you and your client and that you will have sufficient time to comfortably discuss the project. Meeting places do not need to be out of the public's eye however; often, clients will prefer to talk at a coffee shop or similar location due to the convenience and neutrality of the location and the relaxed atmosphere. However, avoid noisy places and try to reserve about an hour for the meeting. If meeting in person is not possible, try to use a software like Skype or FaceTime to communicate face to face.
- Understand goals and constraints. One of the more important concepts in engineering design is the difference between goals and constraints. Both deal with how the final product addresses the problem presented, but they should be looked at individually. Constraints are the absolutely essential aspects of the design, while goals are things that the design could work without. Take the case of trying to remove an oil filter that is stuck on a car.
- A constraint is that the oil filter must be removed without damage to the vehicle. A design that does not accomplish this would be considered a failed design.
- A goal is that it is removed without damaging the filter itself. The old filter is going to be thrown out anyways, so it is not essential that is is removed without damage. However, it would be nice if the design did not destroy the filter so it would be less messy!
- Write as many as twenty open-ended questions, covering aspects including:
- The Problem - why the client desires your help in designing a new device or system. Ask about both the problems and successes of the status quo and the specific aspects of the current method that are insufficient.
- Constraints - what the design needs to accomplish.
- Goals - nonessential aspects of the final device.
- Concerns - what the client foresees as a problem and how to mitigate it.
- Timeline - when the client would like the various parts of the project completed, including initial design, prototyping, testing and final design.
- Budget - how much the client is willing to pay for the project and from where the funding will come.
- Arrive a little earlier than the established time. You will always want to plan on leaving early to compensate for not being able to find the meeting place, getting held up in traffic or similar obstacles. There is never a problem being someplace early to set up and get comfortable; however, arriving late will immediately damage your relationship with the client.
- Politely greet the client as they arrive. The client could just as easily get another person's help with their project, so be very polite and courteous. Stand up when they arrive and shake their hand, then allow them to sit down first. Good manners are recommended everywhere, but especially when making a first impression with your client. Don't be too uptight though - after greeting them and sitting down, try to speak professionally, not aristocratically.
- Start casually. Do not jump right away into your questions unless the client wants to be finished as soon as possible. If time allows, warm up a bit with whatever you would like to talk about. Hopefully your preliminary research yielded some potential conversation starters. Try to keep the topic relevant to the purpose of your meeting, but not exactly the same. If you are working on a new design for fuel tank, talk about cars! If you are going to be developing a system to clean laundry more effectively, talk about clothing! You and the client will both want a comfortable, relaxed meeting, so start things off this way and they will carry through.
- Contextual questions first. When creating your questions, there was likely some chronology that went into the list. The first things you will want to know are those that the project will be based around - the status quo and the problem with it. Therefore, ask these sort of things first. Try to get as thorough of an understanding of the situation first before discussing things that have yet to be developed.
- Make sure you are taking notes of some type. Ask the client if you may jot down some notes, or use a voice recorder if they allow it. This will help you retain the information and give you something to refer to later.
- Get into goals and constraints. An important aspect of a design project is understanding the difference between goals and constraints. Constraints are the things that the design absolutely must accomplish, while goals are things that would make the design more ideal. Questions aimed at distinguishing these from one another are most helpful to the design process as they create the framework your ideas must be based upon.
- Ask the client to clarify an aspect of the design they wish to see if it is unclear. You will need to know exactly what they want in order to create something satisfactory, so now is the time to clear up anything you are unsure about.
- Brainstorm, design and report. After obtaining the necessary information from the client, start working on a solution! Keep the client updated frequently with your progress and ensure major design features are alright with the client before investing too much time or money in them. You will almost certainly have more in-person meetings with your client in the future, so be prepared to meet with them again whenever the project necessitates it.
- Skype and FaceTime are great options for meeting with clients if an in-person meeting is not possible. The same rules apply, however: choose a quiet location, dress nicely and reserve about an hour of time. Phone calls are less advised because meeting face-to-face helps keep both sides fully focused and gives a more professional, dedicated appearance.
- If you already have some ideas from your preliminary research, feel free to discuss those with your client! Don't try to come up with something on the spot, however. The interview is designed for acquisition of information. Later meetings can be scheduled for discussing design features.
- Avoid coming into the interview with a design already in mind. If you envision a design before you are able to interview the client, you will have difficulty looking at the project from the client's perspective and may discredit other ideas preemptively.
- Ask for as much contact information as possible, but be prepared to use whatever form of communication they suggest and do not pry for more than they offer.
- Do not only ask the questions that you bring to the interview. Instead, try to have a full conversation and allow the client to talk about whatever comes to mind. If things get off-topic, do try to refocus the conversation with a question.
- Always keep the client informed. It is extremely important that the client knows what progress is being made on the project and good communication will allow deadlines to be comfortably moved if necessary and revisions to be made quickly.