Construct a Lincoln Douglas Debate Case
The art of Speech and Debate really is just that, an art! As with any art, there is not a specific way to do it. This article will tell you a general way you can compile a Lincoln-Douglas (LD) case. There are many other types of debate, and you should look into those before you begin constructing an LD case. Remember, debate styles change throughout the country, so please, look into what is different about your area and your league. However, most of America's high school teams debate under the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA).
Constructing Your Own Debate Case
- Understand what Lincoln-Douglas (more commonly known as LD) debate is. LD debate is not solely a value debate. That ship sailed with the realization that debating over "values" doesn't make sense a large portion of the time. This is because the way in which we categorize "values" is contingent upon things already valued. For example, someone may say a value is Justice because a just society gives that rights protection is important, appealing to utilitarianism. A common misconception is that LD debate is not evidence-intensive. You need cards (evidence from qualified authors)to back up most of your arguments. Blue. Green. Red.
- Define terms. This can sometimes be important as terms have different meanings within different contexts. This may require more than just your average dictionary, so look for cards from authors relating to the topic. This is not, however, a necessity as most things are usually assumed to be a certain way within debate. Most debaters tend to use American Heritage Dictionary. The most important thing though, is that you refrain from using definitions that contradict your case, but are still accurate definitions.
- Pick a value. The value of your case is a huge part of your framework. Your value should be drawn from the resolution. For example: "A just society ought not use the death penalty as a form of punishment." You may say that the value is justice because the resolution is attempting to determine whether or not an action is just. Your value is the basis for your arguments, though most times the value doesn't play a role in the debate. The primary issue within the framework (issues above contention-level arguments) is the criterion.
- Choose your criterion. Your criterion is comparable to a filter. For example, there may be many ways to achieve justice, but this is one way to achieve it (through an action of the resolution). Your criterion serves as a concrete way to achieve an abstract value, such as justice. For example, you can use "maximizing individual rights" as a criterion for the value social welfare. This is the type of ethical debate that most scholars have when considering philosophical questions. Most values such as Justice, Morality, and Societal Welfare are all ultimately determined by whether or not the revolutionary action helps or hurts the criterion. Essentially, your criterion is the way that you achieve your value. Remember that in Lincoln-Douglas debate, you do not have to explain how you are going to uphold the resolution, just why you should or shouldn't affirm.
- Write your contentions. Contention is another word for a point. These points explain how the affirmative/negative action achieves your criterion. The contentions in your case must link back to your value/criterion (or your opponents). Usually it is unwise to have more than a maximum of three contentions as affirmative or 1 to 2 as negative. Go for depth of argumentation rather than breadth. It is much better to with one argument very clearly than muddle the debate on 3 different ones. Main arguments should contain claims (a thesis), warrants (reasons that the claims are true), and impacts (why they matter - usually in relation to a criterion). Also, make sure they don't conflict with each other. Use credible sources for your warrants and always cite your information.
- "Create "Blocks"": a list of arguments you think your opponent will use and include ways to counter them. The more counter-arguments you can come up with, the more likely you are to encounter one in a round. If you encounter a new argument in a round, make sure to make blocks for it. If you create a good set of blocks, you will be able to anticipate attacks on your case and counter them accordingly.
- When writing a negative case, have a "counter plan". This means that because you are negating the resolution, you ought to have something that you can do as an alternative, that will uphold the same moral standards and values as the affirmative without the negative effects. These usually aren't necessary in NLD (Novice Lincoln Douglas), but they can still give you an advantage above the affirmative because, unless they can prove why the resolution is the best and only way to go, their arguments don't weigh as much. At the same time, remember that within some debate circuits, counterplans are not acceptable and considered "progressive" or something that should stay in policy debate. If a counterplan is essential to a case, try to write an alternative negative case as well and make sure to ask for your judge's "paradigm" or judging preferences. If they say they are progressive and are perfectly fine with counterplans go ahead. If not, you may need to fall back on your "traditional" case, and place heavier emphasis on the framework (v/vc) debate.
Sample Debate Argument
Doc:Lincoln Douglas Debate Argument
- Dress appropriately. This usually means business attire (for boys: tie and slacks; for girls: nice shirt and skirt, dress, or slacks).
- Always remember, debate should be a fun experience. Don't make it hard on yourself by stressing out.
- Don't ever be afraid of thinking outside of the box; too many debate rounds go by with people relaying the same boring arguments over and over. Make it clear to the judge that not only is your case superior to your opponents, but your opponent is much less imaginative than you.
- Be prepared to present your evidence if your opponent asks. If you don't, expect it to be disregarded. Also, understand that it is the norm to allow opponents to see your evidence.
- It's always good to have people read your case before you debate, so they can help you spot its weak points. Think of possible things the other side might say, and prepare counter-arguments. Knowing how to respond to their arguments and their attacks on your arguments can really help.
- Always try to think logically while you are debating, and realize that there are flaws in all arguments.No matter who you are debating, you still have a chance if you calmly analyze their contentions.
- If you choose to spread your case, be articulate and clear so that your judge can still understand your arguments and flow. Make sure you slow down when reading major impacts or taglines of contentions.
- As frustrating as an opponent may make you during your debate, restrain from making faces such as rolling eyes, or sneers.
- Do NOT goof around between debates. You need to show your judge that you care about debate. Remember you never know who your next judge might be. Avoiding doing so gives you a "serious" look. Opponents are often awed and intimidated by this behavior.
- Learn how to flow properly. This means a specific way of taking notes on the debate. This tells you what everyone has said in the round.
- Never do anything objectionable at a debate tournament. This includes doing any type of drugs, or anything else that may be against the law or policy your school has set up. Use common sense. This is true for any type of event. Doing these things can get your entire team in trouble, or at worst disqualified from the tournament.
- First and foremost: Make sure that your evidence from qualified authors provides warrants for the claims they make. That means if you are quoting statistics, you should include evidence from the methodology of the study. If you're quoting analytic arguments, provide the author's justification for their claims otherwise you're making nothing other than an appeal to authority.
- Try not to say yes to a question. your opponent will turn it around on you, if you do say yes say it confidently and be ready to say "but!…" then tell why it's irrelevant.
- Be careful when answering questions in cross-examination. Your opponent often looks to set up traps in his questions.
- Do not look at your opponent during cross-examination.
- Being rude in debates isn't nice, and can cost you points.
- When making a case, don't wait until the last minute, but think about it over a long period of time.
- However, do not dodge questions. This is considered extremely rude. Be straightforward, honest, and diplomatic. You can do this and still hold your ground.
Things You'll Need
- Something to carry your materials in. Most high-level debaters use expandable folders
- Pens or Pencils (Pens tend to work better when flowing)
- Flow paper
- Resources about the debate topic (Blocks, cards, frontlines, etc).
- A timer