Construct a Policy Debate Case
The art of Speech and Debate really is just that, an art! As with any art, there is a specific way to do each type. This article will tell you how to compile a Policy debate case. There are many other types of debate, and you should look into those before you begin constructing a policy debate case. Remember, debate styles change throughout the country, so please, look into what is different about your area and your league. However, most of America's high school teams debate under the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA).
- Explore what policy debate is. Briefly, policy debate is debating a policy. All policy resolutions start out with "Resolved: That..." and then usually in educational debates, "...the United States Federal Government should..." To truly understand policy debate, watch a few rounds, maybe go along to a debate tournament as a timekeeper for a judge.
- Find out the resolution. This is the first thing you read when you are presenting your case in a round. The 2012-2013 NFL policy debate resolution (or topic) is:
- Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its transportation infrastructure investment in the United States.
- Understand what you need to look for in cards, and where to find the information.
- Research and find evidence. Each piece of evidence you find will need to be cut into a CARD. Standard card format is as follows:
- STATE WHAT YOUR CARD IS SAYING(the TAG or SIGN POST)Remember, powerful, but it must be accurate to what the card says.
- Who said it-their qualifications-when they said it. Only read the last name and the year, e.g. Zizek '01
- A cut-and-pasted piece of evidence. UNDERLINE the good parts of the evidence and only read those underlined parts. Most debaters also highlight them down even further, so that one can read more cards.
- Get definitions. Now, you will not actually read the definitions in your case, however, it is good to have them. When you present your case, do not read them, but include them on the paper. Instead of saying them, just say "As the affirmative team we reserve the right to clarify any definitions throughout this round."
- Consider the actual problem the case will resolve. First, you will start with HARMS. Harms are what is wrong. Most cases have no less then three harms.
- Most teams discuss ADVANTAGES instead of harms. However, whether addressing HARMS or ADVANTAGES or both, it is a regional difference across the country. ADVANTAGES are fairly self-explanatory. This is basically any advantages your plan will create.
- Move onto INHERENCY. This is why your harms are not being solved in the system, the barrier. You don't need a lot of these cards, you may only need one. However, it is good to have more.
- Form your plan. The most common form of a plan is fairly simple. Just say explicitly what the United States Federal Government should do. We reserve the right to clarify"
- THUS THE PLAN: United States federal government should invest in a national high-speed rail system.
- Now address SOLVENCY. This is how your plan solves for its harms. This also needs evidence, and it MUST correlated directly to your harms. If say, one of your harms was AIDS in Africa is getting out of hand. You need to have a solvency card that says your plan will decrease AIDS.
- Note: There are many ways to put together an affirmative case (the type listed above). Methods vary with what you want to emphasize, what your team works well with, and different strategies.
- Debate is supposed to be fun. It will only be scary if you make it scary. Just remember to attack everything they say, and be confident. Confidence is a key factor in winning, when a judge is not sure, if it looks like you know what you're talking about, you'll probably win.
- Always ask about what you can do better next time, its how you learn.
- Debate tournaments are very tiring things. Try to get sleep outside of rounds.
- Learn how to flow properly. This means a specific way of taking notes on the debate. This tells you what everyone has said in the round.
- Dress appropriately. This usually includes business casual.
- The most important thing about debating, or making a case for debate, is that you MUST know how to ignore your opponents, and if they offend you, call a point of personal Privilege.
- NEVER do anything objectionable at a debate tournament. This includes doing any type of drugs, or anything else that may be against the law or policy your school has set up. USE COMMON SENSE. This is true for any type of event. Doing these things can get your entire team in trouble, or at worst disqualified from the tournament.
- Never falsify evidence. This can get you disqualified from the tournament. Also, look for people that may be falsifying evidence. However, do not accuse them of it in a round. At the end of the round, report it to the tabulation room.
- Do not wait until the last minute to get your evidence. Evidence is the essential component in policy debate. Make sure you take enough time to acquire all this evidence and understand it.
Things You'll Need
- Boxes with handles (to put evidence and other debate-things in)
- Pens or pencils multiple colours may be useful depending on how you flow
- Flowing paper (legal pads work well)
- Timer