Convert PSP Games to CSO or DAX

This tells you how to convert your PSP ISOs to CSO,DAX or JSO Files


Using UMDGen

  1. Download UMDGen.
  2. Open it up. Choose Your ISO File. Go into convert. Press Convert To CSO .
  3. Press 9 Compression Rating To Have It really Compressed.
  4. Put It Onto Your PSP.

Using PSP ISO Compresser for Windows

  1. Download the compressor.
  2. Select the type of uncompression/compression you want(eg.ISO - DAX)
  3. Select the Input/Outut files
  4. Select compression rate as 9.
  5. You are done!


  1. Download the compressor.
  2. Open it. Choose or Drag&Drop Your ISO File
  3. Process will be started immediately
  4. Your compressed file is in the same directory with .cso extension.
  5. You are done!

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