Put Flash Games on Your PSP
This article will help you put Flash (PC) games on your PSP. Read it VERY carefully. This is pretty fun and cool, but remember there is a possibility it won't work. That goes for all games you download from the computer.
Or, you can do it another way. The only thing you need is your psp. Let's get started! Open up your psp's browser. In the URL, type in "www.psponme.com". From there, the website will tell you what to do.
- If you want to put on a game you made yourself using adobe flash or macromedia flash, find the .SWF folder that you made. Right click and goto step number 6. Else go to step number 2.
- Turn on your computer and open FireFox (must be FireFox for it to work).
- Go to the website with the game you want.
- Go to File and then Save Page As after it has loaded.
- Go to My Documents and find a folder with the name of the website you went on.
- Look for file with a ".swf" extension, rename it the title of the game, and delete all other irrelevant files. Right-click and press Copy.
- Connect your PSP to your PC, go to Settings and go on USB Connection
- Close My Documents and then go on My Computer.
- Click on "Removable Disc (X:)", where "X" is the drive letter.
- Click on the PSP Folder then the COMMON Folder. Note: If you can't see that folder, create one. Right-click and press "Paste" inside the folder.
- Open the Internet browser and type in the game location:
- •file:/PSP/COMMON/your game here.swf
- Close "My Computer", disconnect the USB cable, and have fun!
- Alternatively there are websites that allow you to play the games on-line directly thorough the PSP's browser. this has the advantage of being simpler but means an internet connection is required to access the games. The main websites for this are:
- Clock and Alarm
- You don't need a hacked PSP to do this.
- PSPonme
- Go to Google and type "calculator filetype:swf". Once you find the calculator you like, you can save and open that file on your PSP the way this article shows. Next time, on Google, change the word calculator: try calendar, clock, alarm clock, etc. You PSP will work with cool gadgets!
- Simple games like Tetris work well.
- Alarm Clock
- PSP Flash Gaming
- Clock 2
- Shockwave and Java will work on a psp but you need a game that is less than a certain version.
- These game must be Flash 6 or bellow to work.
Things You'll Need
- A computer
- A connection to the Internet on your computer
- A PSP with an Internet browser set up, and flash enabled
- A USB cable that will plug into a PSP
Related Articles
- Play Flash Games