Convince Your Parents to Let You Have a MySpace

Everyone has heard of the dangers of Myspace. However, many teens still want it, and many parents object. If you play your cards right, you may be able to get Myspace with little objection.


  1. Consider why you want Myspace in the first place. A reason like "everyone else has it" won't fly with your parents. You have to have a legitimate reason, but don't lie about why you want it. (This applies to anything.) One good reason is that all of your friends have it for communication and it is simply a good way for you to communicate with your friends.
  2. Tell your parents your valid reason. For example, if you are an artist, show your parents some of your work, then tell them that you can use Myspace to exhibit your work to the world.
  3. Promise your parents that you will make your page private. Explain to them that that means only your friends will be able to see your page and personal information.
  4. If they still object, come up with an alternative site you can join. Your parents are less likely to object to a site catering to a specific community, like Fanart Central, deviantArt, furcadia,, RuneScape, etc. Sites like these somehow seem to be approved more by parents.
  5. If your parents still would not let you join any site and they would listen to your reason, then appeal to their sense. Say to them that you are old enough to decide if you want to interact with other people over the internet. Say that this is what you really want and that you would greatly appreciate it.
  6. Realize that your parents are intelligent people, who will one day detect your transgressions, regardless of your attempts to hide it. They are as smart as you are, perhaps smarter. Heck, they might even read this. Or write it.
  7. Tell your parents they can check your profile every day or couple days. Then they'll realize that you're responsible. In fact, you could even simply give them your password so that they can monitor all parts of your Myspace.
  8. Show your parents your friends list and explain to them who each person is, and where you know them from (school,neighbors,cousins,etc.) So your parents know who you are talking to, and are sure that it isn't an online predator
  9. Make it known that Myspace isn't always dangerous A lot of parents think that Myspace is completely bad, just because of what they see on dateline. What a lot of them don't realize, is that dateline only shows that bad side of Myspace. They don't show its good side, how people use it to communicate with other friends and family members. Chances are, that if you use basic common sense, that you will never end up in the televised situations.


  • Keep it clean; don't use profanity or innuendo or anything else your parents won't like.
  • Let them see your page when ever they feel they need to. Do not object if they want to see it, they will think there is something you are hiding.
  • Many parents argue your wanting of a Myspace with the all too common "I don't want you to get kidnapped by someone who saw you on Myspace." Or something similar to that. BUT you can ALWAYS counter that with a simple "Mom/Dad, how can I be abducted unless I agree to meet somebody in person? Which I never will, by the way." This works best if you can't drive, because that would mean that they are your main mode of transportation, and that they would know who you are going to go see.
  • Tell your parents that you will give them the password and let them always know it. You don't have to do this, but if your parents are very protective, and have almost decided that you can have one, tell them this, and it will most likely make them say yes.
  • never beg, it'll make them feel more powerful and convince them to not say yes.
  • Try being helpful around the house. If they see you do the dishes or walk the dog once in a while, they'll see you as a responsible citizen and they could let you go on more often, because they'll assume you are a responsible Internet Browser.
  • If your parents have Myspace too, add them as friends. They know that if you know they can see what you post, you won't post anything inappropriate unless you're a complete idiot.
  • But remember, this is your life and you decide on it. Make sure your decisions are good, and joining Myspace is a good decision.
  • Keep your grades up, your parents might blame Myspace for your dip in grades
  • Don't just go on Myspace. Do other more productive stuff on the computer, or look at other cool sites.
  • Promise them you will not spend too long on Myspace each day.


  • This may not work with overprotective parents.
  • Honestly, Myspace just isn't the best site anymore. It's loaded with trolls, spammers, and bullies, most accounts get hacked after about 2 months, stalkers and perverts are hiding behind every corner, and 98.9999% of your friends have probably moved on to better sites. If you can't convince your parents to let you on Myspace, maybe go on Facebook instead because it's safer, but don't do it without permission.
  • DO NOT EVER put your school, address, phone number, email address, or other personal information on your Myspace, even if it is set to private. There are such things as hackers, you know.
  • If your parents agree to let you have a Myspace, avoid posting any personal information. Unless your Myspace is set to private, and you have it so that if someone wants to be your friend, they have to either know your last name or email address, NEVER put any other information other than something like "Hi. My name is [insert your name here]. I'm a pretty laid-back person who loves to have fun and hang out with my friends. I am very caring and nice, and am ALWAYS there for my friends, no matter what."

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