Cool Down Your Drinks at a Picnic

Enjoy a day at the beach or in the park and make sure the drinks are kept cold. During the summer heat, the drinks get hot fast, so enjoy your day and a cold beer or soft drink by following this article.


  1. Bring along some old newspaper to the event.
  2. Tear the newspaper into longer thin strips.
  3. Wet the paper.
  4. Wrap paper around each drink container.
  5. Wait for the water to evaporate from the paper and cool the drinks. Now enjoy your drinks!


  • Newspaper is great, kitchen roll will work, but not glossy paper.
  • To cool beverages down quickly, put ice, water, and salt in your cooler. They will be ready to drink within 5 minutes!
  • If you are picnicking near a river, lake or cold ocean, simply wedge your container in the shallows and wait for about 5/10 minutes. If you do this make sure it's wedged in firmly, and don't let any water get in the drink and contaminate it.


  • Beware of newspaper print as it will mark clothes etc.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper

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