Celebrate Teddy Bear's Picnic Day

In the United States, the Teddy Bear's Picnic Day is celebrated on July 10. And if you're planning on going down to the woods today for a picnic, why not plan a big family surprise picnic that will have the kids super-excited or at the very list, have your teens in stitches at the silliness of it all!


  1. Find your favorite teddy bears. Spruce them up in readiness for attending the picnic:
  2. if It is a girl then dress her up in dresses or accessories at build a bear and if it's a boy dress him up in smart clothes
  3. Prepare the food. No Teddy Bear's picnic would be complete without the right food. Don't forget that bears love honey and other things sweet! Some ideas of what to make or buy include:
    • Make Fairy Banana Sandwiches
    • Salad (use "bear paw" servers to serve it with)
    • Cupcakes
    • Make a Honey Cake
    • Teddy bear shaped crackers (and teach your kids how to Dunk a Teddy Bear Biscuit in Milk).
  4. Pack everything needed into an old-fashioned picnic basket. Make sure to include plates, cups, utensils and picnic rugs to sit on.
  5. Play teddy bear games and hold bear competitions. Even the adults can have some fun but it's mainly for the kids, so have some little "bear prizes" ready for the winners:
    • Hold a competition for the best-dressed bear.
    • Hold a competition for the smallest and tallest bears.
    • Hold a competition for best-named bear.
    • Play hide and seek with the bears. The rules are up to you!
    • Have the kids play act being a bear.
    • Play Look Out for the Bear.
  6. Hold some teddy bear activities.
    • Paint bear paws on the children's faces.
    • Make a Bear out of Clay.
    • Read bear stories.
  7. Tell the children it's the teddy bear's bedtime when it's time to wrap the picnic. It will help prevent tears and complaints and you can lay it on thick, asking the children to look after their tired teddies!


  • Take along some teddy bear music to keep the theme going.
  • Teddy Bear's Picnic days are fantastic opportunities for a fundraising - with games, food, and competitions all making excellent ways to ask guests for donations and money.

Things You'll Need

  • Teddy bears
  • Food
  • Picnic basket, utensils, plates, cups, etc.
  • Picnic rug(s), foldaway chairs for the oldies
  • Music maker and teddy bear music

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