Cope In the Aftermath of a Rape

Nobody wants to be raped. Nobody should ever be raped. Most people don't even want to think about the possibility that it could ever happen to them. But, if you have been sexually assaulted, it's important to know how to respond immediately afterwards in order to increase the chances of the perpetrator being caught.


  1. Escape from the rapist and go to a safe location, such as a friend or family member's house. Whether the rape was committed by a stranger or by someone you know, get away from him or her as quickly as you can and make sure he or she does not know where you are going.
    • Remember that the assault is NEVER the survivor/victim's fault. The only person who can prevent an assault is the perpetrator.
  2. Keep all evidence intact.
    • Do not shower, bathe, wash your hands, or brush your teeth. If you have to use the bathroom, try to hold it in. You could destroy important evidence by doing any of these.
    • Do not change your clothing.
    • Do not straighten out your house, or the place where the rape occurred.
  3. Call a local law enforcement agency, your local rape crisis center or victim's rights group. A volunteer can take you to the hospital.
  4. Get a medical exam. Medical personnel will collect stained clothing, skin under fingernails, hair, and semen (rape kit). These will be important if you decide to press charges. You will also receive drugs to prevent pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted disease at your discretion.
    • Depending on locality, medical personnel may contact the police. Remember in most states, reporting a sexual assault does not force you to press charges or appear in court. You can still contact the police after time has passed. You can file a report after a day, a month, and even a year. However delays make it more difficult for the police to obtain enough evidence to get a conviction.
  5. Once you have a doctor or police officer's approval, go home, shower and rest. Allow family and friends to give you support and help you. Don't keep it to yourself. It is not something you should go through alone.
  6. Seek counseling from a therapist or family doctor. Victims of violent crimes may suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and counseling will help.
  7. Don't blame yourself. There is nothing to be ashamed about. Don't think that it was your fault: no one has the right to rape someone else.


  • Remember you are NOT at fault. Even if you were intoxicated, or under the influence of drugs, it is NEVER the victim's fault. The term 'victim' is termed loosely. Never feel victimized. As difficult as it is, know that you can and will empower yourself to come out of this situation brave and strong.
  • Find and confide in a family member or friend right away. You shouldn't go through this alone.
  • Remember, men can be raped too. Don't be embarrassed to report it. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Even if your attacker is a family member or someone else you know, it is still considered rape if you did not consent. Approximately 78 percent of rapes are committed by someone the victim knew.
  • Do not give yourself a deadline. Do not feel as though you have to get better in two weeks, two months, or even two years. Love yourself, and know that you are enough for you.
  • Everyone reacts differently to trauma; there are no "rights" and "wrongs" on how to deal with this situation.
  • Call a rape crisis center or victim's rights group.
  • Decide whether to report the incident and press charges after considering the ramifications. Discuss the situation with an attorney or rape counselor.
  • Seek medical and psychological assistance. It is very likely that you have not gone through this before. There are professionals that are very well-equipped to deal with such situations. Do not feel obligated to continue seeing someone who does not give you the help and care you deserve. Call the Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 [1]


  • It is always important to go to the hospital right away, there may be serious injuries that you aren't aware of; also to hinder any chance of an STD taking hold.

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