Cope With Rape Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Rape is a traumatic experience. If you are a rape survivor, you are undoubtedly dealing with a wide range of terrible after-effects. Many rape victims suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This can bring a lot of scary emotions and even physical side-effects. If you are coping with this, know that you are not alone. There are several steps you can take to help yourself heal from this traumatic experience.
Dealing With Common PTSD Symptoms
- Watch for symptoms. Rape-related post-traumatic stress disorder can cause a wide range of symptoms. Pay attention to how you have been feeling, emotionally and physically. As you are preparing to meet with your doctor, keep a record of your symptoms.
- Re-experiencing the rape in the form of intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and flashbacks.
- Withdrawing socially, such as isolating yourself, feeling emotionally numb, or losing interest in things, such as family, friends, work, and hobbies.
- Using avoidance behaviors, such as avoiding situations and places that trigger memories of the rape.
- Feeling like you are always on alert or hyper-aware of your surroundings, which may cause trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and irritability.
Common symptoms of rape-related post-traumatic stress disorder include:
- Seek help from a therapist. Overcoming PTSD will take time and the help of a licensed mental health professional. Tell your doctor that you would like to seek therapy for your PTSD and ask for a referral to a therapist in your area.
- Your therapist may use something called cognitive behavior therapy to help you. Cognitive behavior therapy can help to change the way that you think, which may reduce instances of re-experiencing the rape, such as in the form of Stop-Obsessing-over-Disturbing-Thoughts.
- Your therapist may also use exposure therapy to reduce the effects of your triggers. This involves exposing you to your triggers in a progressive way. Each time you are exposed to one of your triggers, you will use a relaxation technique to calm yourself down, such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation. Over time, your triggers should begin to affect you less and less.
- Resist the urge to ignore your emotions. You have gone through a traumatic experience. It is common for rape survivors to use avoidance behaviors to cope. However, using avoidance can affect the way that you experience other emotions as well, such as sadness, joy, anger, etc.
- Allow yourself to feel a wide range of emotions. It is normal to experience sadness, fear, grief, guilt, and anger.
- Don't be hard on yourself for being emotional. Say to yourself, "I'm feeling angry today, and that is normal."
- Work with your therapist to find healthy ways to express and manage your emotions.
- Talk to friends and family about your emotions. Don't be afraid to be honest. You can try saying, "I'm having a really sad day. Don't take it personally if I start crying." Talking about your feelings can help you to process them.
- Connect with others. Dealing with PTSD symptoms is extremely difficult. You might feel an impulse to withdraw socially, even from your loved ones. However, you should try to avoid isolating yourself.
- Instead of withdrawing, make an attempt to be around other people when you are coping with PTSD. A support system can help you deal with the trauma.
- PTSD can affect your nervous system, making you feel unpleasant symptoms, but being around people you trust may actually have a calming effect on your nerves.
- Turn to someone who is a good listener. You want to be able to talk about your experience without fear of judgement.
- If you feel unable to talk to someone you know, consider joining a support group. Being around other survivors can be therapeutic.
- Identify your triggers. When you have PTSD, there are many things that can "trigger" negative emotions. You may find that you become upset in certain situations or that you avoid these situations entirely.
- going near the place where the rape occurred
- certain sounds, such as a specific song that was playing when the rape occurred
- certain words, such as your attacker’s name
Keep a journal where you record your triggers so that you can discuss them with your therapist. Common triggers include:
- Deal with physiological arousal symptoms. A physiological symptom is one that has an impact on your body. For example, many rape survivors experience exaggerated responses. You might find yourself jumping in response to small noises that you would not have noticed before the rape.
- You might also experience mood swings. It is not uncommon for rape survivors to feel rage at mild irritants, such as finding the milk carton empty.
- Be patient with yourself. Don't put pressure on yourself to stop having extreme reactions.
- Instead, try to find ways to cope. For example, if you find yourself feeling angry, focus on your breathing. Breathe in slowly for 5 counts, breathe out slowly for 5 counts. Repeat until you feel calm.
- Sleep deprivation is another common physiological symptom. Many rape survivors have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
- Ask your doctor to help you deal with difficulty sleeping. He might recommend meditation or even medication.
- Take care of yourself. PTSD is both emotionally and physically draining. While you are coping with surviving a rape, it is important to take care of yourself. This includes trying to remain physically healthy.
- Eat a healthy diet. Try to get balanced amounts of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of colorful vegetables.
- Don't forget breakfast. Starting your day off with a nutritious meal can help give you the energy you need to make it through a tough day. Try Greek yogurt with granola.
- Exercise. Physical activity is known to reduce stress and boost your mood. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
- Try to rest. It can be difficult to sleep when you are dealing with PTSD, but rest will help speed the healing process.
- Keep your room as cool and quiet as possible. Try to go to bed at the same time each evening and wake up at the same time each morning.
Coping With Emotional Trauma
- Find ways to feel safe. One of the most common side effects of rape is not feeling safe. You might feel mild feelings of unease, or you might feel outright panic at times. Remember that it is normal to feel afraid.
- Take steps to make yourself feel better when you are not feeling safe. For example, consider installing a home security system. That can make you feel safer.
- Avoid triggers. If you feel uneasy walking after dark, arrange your schedule to avoid having to do that.
- Ask your loved ones to help you make a safety plan. For example, if you live alone, ask a sibling to stay with you as you begin the healing process.
- Handle social withdrawal symptoms. Rape survivors often use "numbing" to cope with the emotional trauma. You may feel like avoiding other people and even avoiding interacting in daily activities.
- Acknowledge what you are experiencing. Tell yourself, "What I am feeling is normal. I will find a way to cope."
- Start small. If you're having a particularly tough day, take things step by step.
- If everything feels daunting, choose a small task to focus on. For example, tell yourself, "I will get up and I will eat breakfast. I'll decide on my next step after that."
- Let your friends and family know what's going on. Your loved ones will worry if you withdraw suddenly. Try sending a text that says, "I need to take some time for myself today. I'll try to talk to you tomorrow."
- Reconnect with your surroundings during flashbacks. A flashback is when memories of a traumatic experience make it seem as though you are reliving the trauma. Many rape survivors have flashbacks. There are some things you can do to make dealing with flashbacks a bit easier to handle.
- Use your five senses to help you return to the present. Look around, and visually connect to the present.
- Listen to the sounds around you and try to locate a familiar scent. This should also help you to disconnect from the memory and return to reality.
- Touch something that is either hot or cold. Grabbing an ice cube or a hot cup of coffee can help you to exit the flashback.
- Use your breath. Breathe slowly and deeply. This will help regulate your nervous system and calm your body's panic impulse.
- Find individual coping mechanisms. There are many symptoms of PTSD that rape survivors share. However, it is important to remember that your experience is unique. Try to find coping mechanisms that are especially effective for you.
- For example, maybe you have a favorite song that has always been a mood lifter. Try listening to that song when you are coping with intense symptoms.
- Talk about your process. Share what you are experiencing with your family, and ask if they have any suggestions about new things you can try.
- Find a new physical activity to do. Exercise can help to stabilize your emotions. Try going to a yoga class with a friend.
Exploring Other Options for Treatment
- Try Experiential Therapy. When you are considering different treatment types, it is a good idea to look into all of your options. Therapy is critical in furthering the healing process. Look into Experiential Therapy to see if it might be right for you.
- Therapy is a process that differs greatly for each individual. Experiential Therapy explores different activities to find ones that are most therapeutic for you.
- Sensation based techniques are common in this type of treatment. That means you will use a variety of activities to get in touch with your senses and your emotions.
- Two of the most common types of Experiential Therapy are music and art therapy. A therapist can help you cope with trauma through the use of creating a painting, for example.
- You can also ask about less common techniques. For example, equine therapy has proven very effective for some rape survivors.
- Look into family therapy. Therapy is an important part of the healing process. Having your family and friends act is a support system can be just as beneficial. Consider asking your family to join you in some of your therapy sessions.
- Family therapy might mean that you have both individual and group sessions. Before having them join you in session, make sure that your family members are hoping to learning about your healing process.
- You can try saying something like, "Mom, you are an important part of my life. I think it would be really useful if you could see what my therapist and I are working on and hopefully, find a way to participate."
- Joint sessions can help your family members better understand what you are coping with. It can also help you to voice any relationship concerns that you may have.
- Ask about medications. Therapy and support systems are excellent ways to further your healing process. Sometimes, though, you might need additional help. Ask your doctor or therapist is medication would be helpful in helping you deal with your PTSD.
- There are not medications that treat PTSD specifically. However, your doctor may be able to prescribe something that will help you cope with the symptoms.
- For example, medication may be able to help treat depression or anxiety. You might find it easier to manage your symptoms with medical help.
- Make sure to follow your doctor's instructions precisely when taking medication. Also, keep in mind that medication alone will not get rid of PTSD, so you will still need to use therapy along with medication.
- Seek medical attention. Rape is a physically traumatic experience, as well as an emotionally terrifying ordeal.
- Rely on friends and family. Don't try to handle everything on your own.
- Be patient with yourself. The healing process takes time.
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