Cope with Change in the Workplace

While changes at work are inevitable and can bring about new opportunities, they can still be quite overwhelming and stressful. By learning to be more open to change, you’ll be better equipped to cope with various types of changes at work. Then, you’ll be able to react positively by helping yourself and others make the most of the new possibilities and grow both personally and professionally.


Being Open to Change

  1. Assess the possible outcomes for scenarios so you’ll be prepared. When an important decision, event, or project is coming up at work, try to assess what all the possible outcomes may be rather than just the most likely or desirable. While you may not foresee the actual outcome all the time, in many cases, you’ll be about to prepare yourself for the type of change that ends up happening, which will make it easier for you to cope.[1]
    • For example, if your company is in talks with another company for a buyout or merger, you may think that the deal won’t go through. However, you may be able to assess that the deal could go through, or that your company may end up splitting as a result. By identifying other possibilities for change, you can prepare yourself if either scenario ends up happening.
    • For example, if you think your company may be bought out by another company, try doing some research on the companies you may end up working for, and look into the personnel who work in comparable roles. This will help you prepare by giving you an idea about who you may be working with and what the new company’s culture is like.
  2. Consider the opportunities that can come with change. When something changes suddenly at work, it’s likely that you’ll feel nervous and overwhelmed about the uncertainty that comes with change. Rather than focus on what you don’t know or what could go wrong, try to focus on what opportunities may come with the change.[2]
    • Change can often give you more freedom to decide what comes next. While this can be scary, it can also give you the opportunity to assess what’s possible and what you want to do.[3]
  3. Learn new skills that may help you cope with changes at work. Whenever possible, try to anticipate what changes may be coming and take the initiative to learn any relevant skills that may make your transition easier when changes are made. While you may not always be able to prepare, you’ll likely be able to anticipate what you may need to know based on changes occurring in other departments or at other companies.[4]
    • For example, if your office has been using an outdated software system for some time, take the initiative to do a few online tutorials on some of the new software options that are emerging on the market. Then, if your company changes the system to one of these new types of software, you’ll be able to easily cope with the change since you’ll already know a bit about how it works.
  4. Accept that you’re going to make mistakes when change occurs. While it’s understandable that you may strive for perfection at work, doing so can make you more afraid of making mistakes. If you accept that you’re inevitably going to make mistakes, changes will be a lot easier to cope with if you’re willing to try new ways of doing things without the fear of failing.[5]
    • One of the reasons that change at work can be so stressful is that you may not feel confident in your ability to thrive under the new conditions. If you accept that you can’t always get everything right the first time, you’ll likely feel more comfortable with and even excited about trying new things.

Dealing with Various Changes

  1. Act in a strictly professional manner when you get a new boss. While getting a new boss can present new opportunities for growth, it can be quite nerve-wracking. To make this transition easier, try to put your best foot forward by acting in a strictly professional manner in the weeks and months following this change. While you may have reached an understanding with your old boss and had more flexibility, your new boss likely won’t be aware of this relationship. Therefore, it’s important that you establish your credibility by showing them that you are reliable and qualified.[6]
    • For example, when you communicate with your new boss, avoid using any overly casual language. This will show them that you take your job seriously and will help you earn their respect quicker.
    • In addition, try to make an effort to get to work earlier than your new boss and co-workers.
  2. Listen and ask questions to help you cope with new responsibilities. If you’ve recently gotten a promotion or your boss has been delegating more work your way, you may feel both excited and overwhelmed. New responsibilities at work can often require new skills and knowledge that you may not yet have. Instead of assuming you already know how everything should be done, take some time to listen to your co-workers and ask questions whenever you encounter something new.[7]
    • Taking time to figure out your new role will help you navigate new responsibilities and help you assess how and when to assert yourself.
  3. Talk candidly with new co-workers to figure out how to work together. Getting new co-workers can be quite stressful, particularly if you had a cooperative system worked out with your former co-workers. To help you cope with these changes and learn to work productively with new people, try to schedule regular times when you can get together and talk candidly about what is working for everyone and what is proving to be difficult.[8]
    • While it may take a bit of time, being honest about what works best for you and listening to their concerns will help you learn to work collaboratively and more effectively over time.
    • For example, if you have a new co-worker who is constantly coming over to your desk to talk things over or ask questions, don’t let your frustration simmer. Instead, politely explain to them that you really need to work without interruptions but that you’re happy to answer questions over email. If they then explain that they learn better by communicating in person, you can compromise by scheduling a brief meeting every afternoon.

Reacting Positively to Changes

  1. Communicate with others so you can deal with change together. Changes in the workplace can feel overwhelming, particularly if you have to deal with it on your own. By building cooperative relationships with your colleagues and communicating consistently, you’ll likely feel more comfortable leaning on them to help you cope when changes occur. You and your co-workers will be able to use your collective experience and knowledge to confront and adapt to change more easily and productively than you likely would be able to on your own.[9]
    • Acknowledging your own limitations will also allow you to rely on other’s skills and knowledge when you need to.
  2. Listen to your colleague’s ideas and concerns.[10] If you know that some sort of change is coming, try to take time to talk with your co-workers or employees to assess how they feel about the upcoming change. You may find that they have some great ideas that will ultimately help you cope with the change, or you may be able to ease some of their anxieties and help them be more open to change.[11]
  3. Look for opportunities to help yourself and others with the transition. While change can be scary, it can also present you with new opportunities for personal and professional growth. Rather than dwelling on the stress associated with change, try to take the initiative to assess and learn how to make this change a positive experience for you and your co-workers.[12]
    • For example, if your company brought in a new boss to lead your team who has drastically different ideas than your last boss, you and your colleagues may feel a bit discouraged and overwhelmed. To help you and others deal with this change, try scheduling a time to talk to your new boss one on one so you can have a frank conversation about their expectations.
  4. Focus on solving problems rather than your feelings. Although it’s important to acknowledge and process your feelings, it might not be helpful for this to be your sole focus in the face of professional changes. Instead, try to focus more on what you can do to solve the problems associated with change while you’re at work. Focusing on what you can actually do will likely be more productive and help you cope better than focusing on your fear or anxiety about doing something wrong.[13]
    • For example, if your boss decides to change your role and places you on a new team with new projects you know little about, try to focus on what you can do to learn more about these new tasks at hand. Asking your new team for advice will likely help you cope better than dwelling on how unfair the decision to move you was.
  5. Try to find humor amidst the stress of change. While this isn’t always possible, sometimes finding humor can give you a new perspective on change. If you feel a bit lighter and less stressed, you’ll likely be able to react rationally and better assess what you need to do to cope.[14]
    • Finding humor can also help those around you cope with the change, and remind you that as colleagues, you are all in this together and should try to enjoy the process.
  6. Assess where this change fits into the bigger picture. When changes happen suddenly at work, it can feel so overwhelming that you’re unable to accurately assess its importance in your life. When this happens, try to remind yourself about your larger goals at work, as well as what matters most to you outside of work. Your stress about change is certainly valid, but it may seem smaller and more manageable once you put it in perspective and assess its importance in the bigger picture.[15]
    • For example, if you work in advertising and your client hasn’t been happy with your work, your boss may decide to take you off the account. You’ll likely feel disappointed at the time, but try to look at this as an opportunity to work on a new account that may be better suited to your talents and interests. This change could ultimately allow you to showcase your skills, which could lead to a promotion or pay raise.
