Cope with a Stomach Flu

The stomach flu, medically known as Gastroenteritis, can leave you sick for several days at a time. Although most often not fatal, recovery can be very difficult if the illness is not treated appropriately. If you want to recuperate and recover as soon as you can, then you have to take steps to manage your symptoms, hydrate yourself, and get lots of rest.


Assessing Your Illness

  1. Understand the symptoms of the stomach flu. This illness affects each area of the gastrointestinal tract. Its symptoms can include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and general malaise. Keep in mind that these symptoms can occur from a low grade fever instead, such as one caused by Treat-the-Flu (the "actual flu," unrelated to the stomach flu).
    • The stomach flu is self-limited, meaning the symptoms usually end in 2-3 days, but can last up to 10 days.[1] There is no cure, so focus on preventing it from spreading and making yourself as comfortable as possible while the virus runs its course.
  2. Understand how the illness is spread. The virus is spread by coming in contact with contaminated food, water, utensils, and other objects such as doorknobs that an infected person has touched.
  3. Assess whether you have a stomach flu. Have you come into contact with someone who has the stomach flu? Do you have any of the symptoms of the stomach flu? If your symptoms are mild-moderate nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, you most likely have a garden variety stomach flu caused by the three most common viral pathogens: norovirus, rotavirus, or adenovirus.
    • In most cases, you do not need medical care to recover from these viruses.
  4. Contact your doctor if your illness is very extreme or persists for a long period of time. This is especially important if your symptoms don't lessen over time. Call a doctor or visit a clinic if you're experiencing the following symptoms:
    • Increased or constant vomiting for more than a day
    • Fever over {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
    • Diarrhea for more than two days
    • Weight loss
    • Decreased urine production
    • Confusion
    • Weakness[2]
  5. Know when to get emergency care. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may have severe dehydration or another serious medical condition. Visit an emergency room or call for emergency services immediately:
    • Fever higher than {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
    • Confusion
    • Sluggishness (lethargy)
    • Seizures
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Chest or abdominal pains
    • Fainting
    • Blood in vomit or stool
    • No urine in the last 12 hours[2]
    • Feeling faint or lightheaded, especially upon standing
    • A racing pulse
    • Severe or localized abdominal pain (this could indicate appendicitis or pancreatitis)
  6. Be aware that dehydration can be more life-threatening in certain people. Infants and toddlers are at an increased risk complications such as of dehydration as are diabetics, the elderly or those with HIV.[3] Babies and children are at a higher risk of severe dehydration than adults. If you suspect that your child is suffering from dehydration, seek help immediately. Some common symptoms include:
    • No wet diapers for 5 or 6 hours
    • Sunken spot at the top of the skull (fontanel)
    • Dark urine
    • Drier-than-usual mouth and eyes
    • A lack of tears during crying[4]
    • Skin tenting (if you pinch the skin, it holds the shape)
  7. Try to avoid infecting others. Wash your hands a lot. Prevent the flu from spreading through your household by washing your hands repeatedly. Studies show that you should use regular soap (there is no need for antibacterial soap) and warm water for between 15-30 seconds to wash your hands in order to be highly effective.[5]
    • Don't touch people if you don't have to. Avoid unnecessary hugs, kisses, or handshakes.
    • Try not to handle frequently-touched surfaces such as doorknobs, toilet handles, faucet handles, or kitchen cabinet handles. Cover your hand with the sleeve of your shirt, or put a tissue over your hand first.
    • Sneeze or cough into your elbow. Bend your arm at the elbow and bring it up to your face so that your nose and mouth are in the crook of your arm. This will prevent germs from getting on your hand, where they're more likely to be spread around.
    • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently. If you've recently thrown up, sneezed, or handled any other bodily fluid, sanitize your hands.
  8. Keep infected children isolated. Children should be kept out of school and childcare to prevent the spread of infection. Those affected with Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) are shedding bacteria in their feces for as long as they have diarrhea, so until that stops, they should be kept away from others. [6]
    • When diarrhea stops the child is free to return to school, as he or she is no longer contagious to others. Your school, however, may require a doctor's note to return, but that is specific to school policy.

Treating the Symptoms of the Flu

  1. Treat nausea. Focus on keeping fluids down. This means if you are vomiting everything out, your primary objective should be to alleviate the nausea and to prevent the vomiting. Without fluids, your illness could cause dehydration and will slow your recovery.
    • Many people like to drink a plain carbonated beverage, such as lemon-lime soda, to treat their nausea. Others advocate the use of ginger to calm nausea.[7]
  2. Treat diarrhea. Diarrhea can be described as liquid stool, frequent stool but watery stool here really is the definition of the term. Patients may experience it differently. However, if you are losing fluids via diarrhea you will need to replace these losses with electrolytes containing formulas such as ( Gatorade, Pedialyte) as well as water. Because electrolytes specifically, potassium, are key in the electrical conduction of the heart, and potassium is lost with diarrhea, you must be especially alert to keeping electrolytes on board. [8]
    • There are different opinions as to whether it is better to let the viral illness “out” or to stop it with constipating anti-diarrheal agents. Most doctors agree that anti-diarrhea medications can make the symptoms last longer. Consult your doctor before taking one.
  3. Treat dehydration. The combination of vomiting and diarrhea will make dehydration your primary complication. Adults that are dehydrated will notice that they are dizzy when they stand, have a racing pulse when standing, have dry oral mucosa, or a feeling of being very weak. Part of the problem with dehydration is that it brings with it a lack of important electrolytes, such as potassium. Replace these losses with fluids that contain electrolytes, such as Gatorade or Pedialyte, as well as drinking water.
    • If you are losing a fair amount of fluids and your diarrhea is severe, you should see your physician. They will help determine if you are in fact only suffering from viral gastroenteritis and begin treatment. There are other illnesses, such as bacterial infections, parasitic causes, or an intolerance to lactose or sorbitol that could also be causing your illness.[9]
  4. Pay particular attention to dehydration symptoms in babies and kids. Babies and toddlers are at particular risk of dehydration. If they won't drink fluids then you should take them to a doctor for assessment, as children fall victim to dehydration more quickly than adults.[10]
  5. Treat abdominal discomfort or pain. You can take any over-the-counter painkiller that makes you more comfortable for the few days you are sick. If a warm bath helps you, do that.
    • If an over-the-counter pain reliever is not handling the pain, seek treatment from a medical professional.
  6. Don't take antibiotics. Because gastroenteritis is typically caused by a virus, not a bacteria, antibiotics won't help you feel better. Don't ask for them at the pharmacy, and don't take them if offered. Taking antibiotics when they are not necessary encourages antibiotic-resistant bacteria ("superbugs").

Making Yourself Feel Better

  1. Avoid unnecessary stress. Remember, the point of relaxing and recuperating at home is to remove yourself from stressors that might slow down your recovery. Doing everything you can to get rid of tension will help you feel better faster.
  2. Accept that you're sick and temporarily unable to work. Don't blow your precious energy on trying to keep up at work or school. Illness happens, and your superiors will probably be understanding and accommodating as long as you have a plan in place to make up the work later. For now, focus on feeling better.
  3. Get help with errands and daily tasks. Ask a friend or relative for help with things that must still be done, such as doing a load of laundry or picking up medication from the pharmacy. Most people will be delighted to take any extra stress off of you.
  4. Drink lots of liquids. In order to hydrate yourself you should drink as much fluid as you can keep down. Stick to water or an electrolyte solution purchased at the pharmacy. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, or anything too acidic (such as orange juice) or basic (such as milk).
    • Sports drinks (such as Gatorade) will rehydrate you and replenish electrolytes, although unlike the options available at a pharmacy they are not guaranteed to give you all the electrolytes you need.[11] Do not give sugary sports drinks to young children.
    • Make your own oral rehydration solution. If you're struggling to stay hydrated or you can't leave the house to buy an electrolyte solution at the pharmacy, make your own. Mix 4.25 cups (1 litre) clean water, 6 tsp (30 ml) sugar, and 0.5 tsp (2.5 ml) salt and drink as much as you can.[12]
  5. Avoid foods that will not make you feel better. If you're vomiting a lot, try to avoid foods that could be uncomfortable or painful coming back up, such as chips or spicy food. In addition, avoid dairy products for the first 24- 48 hours, as they can exacerbate symptoms of diarrhea. When you are able to advance the diet, go slowly to soups and broths and then soft foods. [13]
  6. Eat bland foods. Try sticking to a BRAT diet, in which you eat bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. This will be bland enough that you can hopefully keep it down but will give you the nutrients you will need to recover quickly.
    • Bananas will pull double duty in providing bland nutrition and also in being rich in potassium, which will counter diarrheal losses.
    • Rice is bland and even nauseated folks can keep this down. You may want to try rice water, mixed with a bit of sugar, but this is still anecdotal.
    • Applesauce is also bland and sweet, tends to be tolerated, even if a teaspoon every 30 minutes. This requires patience, especially if treating children, as they may often only tolerate small sips or spoonfuls. You want to stick to small amounts, as large amounts will trigger vomiting, thereby countering your efforts.
    • Toast is bland source of carbohydrates that most can keep down.
    • If all else fails, eat baby food. Commercially-produced baby food is meant to be gentle on the stomach, easily digestible, and loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Give it a shot if you can't keep anything else down.
  7. Rest when you can. With a few important caveats, it's vital that you get enough sleep while your body tries to fight back the stomach flu. Make time to get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep per day, if not more.
    • Take naps. If you're able to stay home from work or school, go ahead and take a nap in the afternoon if you feel tired. Don't feel bad about being unproductive — sleeping is actually necessary for your body to repair itself and recover.
  8. Set up camp. If you're most comfortable hanging out on the couch where you have easy access to food and entertainment, consider setting up blankets and pillows so that you can fall asleep there whenever you're ready, instead of moving everything to the bedroom.
  9. Do not take a sleep aid if you're vomiting frequently. As tempting as it may be, stay away from the sleeping pills while you're still actively sick. Being passed out on your back and vomiting over your nose and mouth can be life-threatening.
  10. Don't try to ignore it when you feel like you're going to vomit. As soon as you start to feel like you're going to throw up, move quickly. It's better to get up for a false alarm than to make a mess on the couch.
    • Stay near a bathroom. If you can make it to the toilet, flushing is a lot easier than having to clean a floor.
    • Vomit into something you can clean easily. If you have a few large, dishwasher-safe mixing bowls that you use infrequently (or don't plan to use ever again), consider keeping one with you throughout the day and when you go to sleep. Afterward, you can simply rinse out the contents in the sink, and wash it by hand or put it into the dishwasher.
  11. Cool yourself down if you have a fever. Set up a fan so that the air blows over your body. If you're really hot, set up a metal bowl of ice in front of the fan.
    • Put a cool compress on your forehead. Wet a strip of cloth or a dishrag in cold water, and dampen it as often as you need to.
    • Take a lukewarm shower or bath. Don't worry about soaping up, just focus on cooling down.
  12. Rely on lighthearted entertainment. If you can't do anything but lie down and watch a movie or television show, avoid the weepy dramas and select something cute and humorous. Laughter can help ease feelings of pain and speed your recovery.
  13. Slowly ease back into your routine. As you begin to recover, add your usual tasks back to your daily life. Start with taking a shower and getting dressed as soon as you're able. Then move on to doing chores, driving, and getting back to work and school when you're ready.


  • Disinfect the house after getting over illness. Wash sheets, clean bathroom, door knobs, etc. (Anything that you feel was infected & will spread germs).
  • Don't be too proud to ask for help!
  • It often helps to keep your area dim and noise to a minimum. That way you won't tire out your eyes with the bright light. Noise often leads to headaches and stress.
  • Drink little sips of water, don't gulp it down. Gulping down liquids may cause you to vomit.
  • Use small plastic bags or can liners for throw up buckets. Tie them up and replace the after each bout this will make for easy clean up and stop the virus from spreading.
  • Consider getting children vaccinated against rotavirus [14]. A norovirus vaccine for adults is forthcoming [15]
  • Drinking lemonade, water with lemon, or a lemon soda helps an aftertaste after you vomit. But only drink a small cup and sip it at a time. Swish it around then swallow.
  • Eat yogurt or applesauce, especially yogurt because it is good for your stomach. Make sure you only eat small bits at a time so you can keep it down. Foods like yogurt and applesauce are easy on the stomach.
  • You can use large towels to vomit on, just make sure there is nothing under it that could be damaged (such as books or electronics). Always wash the towel and anything under it (sheets, blankets) after use
  • Don't chug tea or any kind of drink fast even though you might think it feels good. You will bring it up about an hour later or so.
  • Go to a doctor if it lasts more than a week. It could be more serious.
  • Don't drink any juices with fruit or vegetables, especially lemon, as they are high in containing acids that prolong the illness. As some say these help with nausea, they contain acid that will irritate the stomach, intestines, and colon. Try herbal teas and water, and if you want more variety in flavor, try ginger ale or Gatorade/Powerade, as these all help with dehydration, cramps, and nausea. If you cannot keep liquids down and symptoms persist, seek professional help.
  • If you are vomiting all night while you are trying to sleep, lay on your back and stay like that. It helped me a lot. It may not work for everyone.


  • If there is ever any blood or mucus in your diarrhea or vomit, or diarrhea or vomiting lasts for more than three days, see a doctor immediately.

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Sources and Citations

  1. Janet Torpy MD, Cassio Lynn MA Robert M Golub MD Viral Gastroenterititis, JAMA, The American Journal of Medical Association, August 1 2012 volume 308, Nov (5) 1 528).
  2. 2.0 2.1
  3. Janet Torpy MD, Cassio Lynn MA Robert M Golub MD Viral Gastroenterititis, JAMA,the American Journal of Medical Association, August 1 2012 volume 308, Nov (5) 1 528.
  5. JP Nifennegger, Proper Handwashing promotes wellness in Childcare, Journal of Pediatric Healthcare. 1997, Jan-Feb 11 91) 26-31.
  6. Allison Aiello, PhD, Rebecca Calhoun BS, Vanessa Perez, MS. Effect of Hand Hygiene on Infectious Disease in the Community Setting: A Meta Analysis, Journal of Public Health 2008 August 98 (8) 1372-1381
  7. Ozgoli, G, Goli,M, Simbar M Effects of Ginger Capsules on Pregnancy, Nausea and Vomiting, 1000 mg Ginger Capsules Were an Effective Herbal Remedy. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , 2009, March 15. (3) 243-246.
  8. Hypokalemia and Sudden Cardiac Death, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cardiology 2010 winter, 15 (4) e96-e99
  9. Blanca Ochoa MD Christina Surawicz MD Diarheal Diseases: Acute and Chronic American College of Gastrenterology. Oct 2002, last updated Dec 2012
  10. Janet Torpy MD, Cassio Lynn MA Robert M Golub MD Viral Gastroenterititis, JAMA,the American Journal of Medical Association, August 1 2012 volume 308, Nov (5) 1 528
  13. Janet Torpy MD, Casso, Lynn MA, Robert M Golub MD, Viral Gastroenteritis, Journal of the academy of Medicine, JAMA, August 1 2012 vol 38 Nov 2 528