Core Apples

Coring an apple isn't as hard as it looks. All you need is one of three things: a sharp paring knife, a spoon or melon-baller, or an apple corer. If you want to know how to core an apple in just a few minutes, then just follow these easy steps.


Coring a Whole Apple with a Knife

  1. Set the apple on the cutting board. The stem should be facing up.
  2. Insert a short, thin bladed knife directly into the top of the apple. You should insert it about one centimeter from the center of the apple to avoid inserting it directly into the core.
  3. Push the blade all the way through the apple. Do it slowly, so you don't cut yourself. Make sure that the knife pokes through the bottom of the apple, so you can see the blade.
  4. Pull out the knife. Do this slowly and carefully. Watch where you place your fingers. If the knife does slide out more quickly than you expect, the blade should not go anywhere near your fingers or palm.
  5. Repeat this process three more times around the center of the apple. When you're finished, you should have made four incisions to create a square around the center of the apple.
  6. Insert the knife back into one of the incisions. Drag it from the first incision to the second, and all the way through the other two incisions, until you have completely cut around the apple's core.
  7. Remove the knife and push out the core with your thumbs. Push it down through the apple until it pops out.

Coring a Whole Apple with an Apple Corer

  1. Put the apple on a cutting board. The stem should be facing up.
  2. Push an apple corer down into the center of the apple.
  3. Twist the corer.
  4. Remove the center membranes and seeds.

Coring an Apple One Half at a Time

  1. Put the apple on a cutting board. The stem should be facing up.
  2. Cut the apple in half. Use a sharp knife to halve it from top bottom.
  3. Use a small spoon or melon baller to scoop out the seeds and fibrous sheathes of each half of the apple.
  4. Use a knife to remove the stem and bud ends of the apple. The core should be completely removed.
    • You can slice the apple further if it's necessary.
    • Note that you can also do the same process if you cut the apple into fourths, instead of halves, first.


  • Devices specifically designed to core apples are available, but they are not as accurate as your own practiced knife hand.
  • For extra protection, you can wear gloves when you core the apple.
  • Make sure to wash the apple before you core it.


  • Always take care when handling kitchen cutlery. If you're coring a whole apple with a knife, make sure you're cutting down until the knife hits the cutting board. Never core an apple this way while holding it with your other hand.

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