Create Easter Decor Confetti
Do you like dying Easter eggs and arranging them in baskets or bags? A great decoration is to place a colorful grass-like confetti underneath the eggs for Décor and a cushion. If you get a daily or weekly newspaper, this guide is perfect for you.
- Gather plastic ties. Whenever you get newspapers, you'll find a thin, plastic tie keeping all the papers together. Just slide it off the newspapers.
- Unfold all the creases to completely flatten the plastic.
- Using your fingers, start separating strands of plastic. It rips very easily. Just grab on to the edge of the flattened plastic and pull all the way.
- Keep doing this until the entire plastic tie is separated into many strands.
- Once you're finished, roll the bundle into a ball. Place it in between your two palms and roll it into a tighter ball.
- Watch the confetti form. After about 10 seconds of rolling, you'll see it's become a perfect confetti for your Easter baskets. Spread out the strands to enlarge the size. Just collect all the plastics bundles and wait for Easter!
- Make sure to get the newspapers with colorful ties. That makes the Décor nicer.
- Keep away from children and babies. They can choke on the strings!
Things You'll Need
- Newspaper with tie around it