Create a Good Loadout for Yourself in Airsoft

Choosing the proper loadout for you when playing airsoft is extremely important. Loadouts differ according to your role, the airsoft game type (eg. capture the flag, team death match etc.) and the physical surroundings during the match. A loadout can be one of two types: Impression and Competitive. An impression loadout is basically a copy of a real regiment/combat while a competitive loadout is for competitive matches, airsoft competitions etc. A loadout basically consists of your head protection, body protection and tactical gear.


  1. Decide weather you want an impression loadout or a competitive loadout. Go to websites choose and see videos from YouTube regarding loadouts and finally choose you're style. An impression loadout is a copy of a real combat regiment or a real loadout of an army.
  2. Choose your budget. An impression loadout will easily fit around in a hundred dollars. But competitive may be expensive. Impressions are less practical during airsoft matches.
  3. Choose your primary weapon and protection. Buy beginner level guns like spring rifles if you're a beginner, or you can even start with standard electric rifles. M4 can be a good start. (If you're using an impression loadout, search the gun you're desired regiment for impression uses; eg. Marines-M16). Choose a gun whose price fits as in 1/3 of you're total budget; your gear and stealth are equally important.
  4. Select your sidearm and protection. A semi-automatic pistol as a sidearm will be a good start for beginners. Now choose your helmet and camo for vests, helmet and BDU (battle dress uniform) or clothing. Camo will be the pattern of you're whole loadout; if you're playing in an urban field choose a UCP (universal camouflage pattern) pattern or if playing in desert type area choose the desert camo/UCP. If you're using an assault rifle, CO2 will be a good sidearm.
  5. Select your inner clothing which includes your dress clothing and pants. This is the place on which you're vest and other tactical gear will be placed. It should be of the same camo you chose for the helmet; a sweatshirt of the same camo is preferable as your inner clothing.
  6. Choose your vest. You can buy a cheap, plate vest with pouches as a starter or a tactical vest to be more stealthy, protective and tactical. Choose the vest color, choose the color of the vest carefully; if your camo is a desert camo use tan colored vests or black vests for darker camos. You can also use the same scheme, eg. you can use "UCP" colored vest for you're UCP in camouflaging which is an important procedure to defend, and conclude tactical attacks on the other team.
  7. Choose you're tactical equipment like cameras, duty belt, flashlights, extra ammo and mags, first aid, sprays (if allowed), an extra hidden sidearm, walkie talkies, tactical gloves, radios, night vision goggles as needed, etc.
  8. If you're doing an impression loadout, add patches or other materials related to that regiment you're focusing on as your impression. Now put your safety materials onto your loadout like guards, safety goggles etc.
  9. Go airsoft! Your basic loadout is done!


  • Never carry too many pockets. It's just a waste of gear. Try to make your gear portable like you are. Be fast and alert.
  • If you're just starting you should not worry about buying a $300+ assault rifle. However, if you're planning on becoming a serious airsofter, buy a good airsoft gun that will last a while.
  • Make sure your loadout suits you.
  • Do not get a spring assault rifles at most cases, unless it's a sniper rifle/shotgun. Then it's ok because of its spring bolt action (sniper) and the triple shot (shotgun).
  • Choose an airsoft team, refer to you're local airsoft store for more details
  • Before ordering you're loadout refer to many airsoft websites, surplus stores and airsoft stores around you and find the cheapest ones,This can helps to keep you're loadout in you're budget, search on youtube,google it,find deals etc. You can even use used airsoft gear to make it cheap, though it doesn't effect much.


  • Play safely. Always wear full seal goggles, shooting glasses can fall off and leave you defenseless.
  • Don't overdo it. You don't have to spend over a thousand dollars on a loadout. You should be able to get everything on the list for about $100 - $400.
  • This hobby can be expensive. You can't even just get a vest and some BDUs for about $70.

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