Create a Monthly Maintenance Check for Your Car

Keeping your car maintained can help prevent costly repairs, but remembering the maintenance can be difficult. Having a car maintenance checklist can help you keep track of the different fluids and parts you need to keep an eye on. A checklist should be easy to use and keep. This article will tell you how to create a monthly maintenance check for your car.


  1. Find a checklist format that is right for you. The simplest checklist is a paper list that you can write yourself or get from an oil-change service center. Store your list in a safe place.
    • Other options you can consider are electronic versions that you can download or make on your computer, cell phone or other device. Most pre-made lists have all the information you need on them.
    • You can locate checklists at various websites. Here is one you can get from the web for your computer or phone: Car maintenance checklist.
  2. Find spreadsheet templates at
    • You can use these templates or model them to create your own personal maintenance logs or schedules in databases or spreadsheets.
  3. Look in your vehicle's owner's manual for the items you need to check monthly if you are making your own list. Many manuals list what needs to be checked and when.
  4. If your manual does not list what needs to be checked, ask your oil-change technician or follow the guidelines below:
    • Your oil, belts, hoses, coolant, and tires should all be examined in a monthly check. You should also inspect your windshield wipers and filters, unless specified otherwise for your vehicle.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen and paper
  • Car manual
