Create a Private Channel in IRC

Sometimes a situation requires a private discussion between you and another editor or group of editors. When in an Log In to the wikiHow IRC Room, it's simple to create your own private channel, and invite other users to join in.


  1. Create your separate channel by typing /join #mychannel, where mychannel is the name of your new channel.
  2. Register it with /cs register #mychannel <password> (optional description)
  3. Inside the new channel, assign a topic to it by typing /topic This channel is about recent change patrol where This channel is about recent changes patrol is the the topic of the new channel.
  4. Invite others to join. In the larger, public channel, type /invite john #mychannel<tt>, where john is the user name and #mychannel is your channel.'
    • If you want your channel to be invitation only, type <tt>/mode #mychannel +i<tt> where #mychannel is the name of your channel.
  5. Set your new channel to private or secret by typing /mode #mychannel +s for secret and <tt>/mode #mychannel +p<tt> for private. If you don't mind your new channel being public, don't do anything. All new channels are automatically public.


  • By creating a new private channel, you automatically become the operator (op) of that channel. You can pass along ops to another user by typing /op jack, where jack is the other user.
  • Creating a topic for your channel can help with discussion and also show anyone using the <tt>/list<tt> command what your channel is about. They won't be able to see your channel in the list if you set it to private.
  • Kick or ban anyone within your channel as you feel is necessary. Do this by using the /kick or /ban commands. Only operators may perform this function.
  • Alternatively, you can set a password for your channel by using /mode #mychannel +k mypassword. People can then join the channel with /join #mychannel password.
  • You can also make the channel invite only by setting it to +i. Then use the flags command to flag users +i so they can use ChanServ to invite themselves (/msg ChanServ invite #mychannel).


  • Private discussions can be hazardous when they are used to talk behind someone's back. Use them sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.

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