Create a Wall Collage

Wall Collages are fun, interesting and eye-catching as well as being a total reflection of your interests and likes. So here is a guide of how to begin making a wall collage and some ideas of what you can put on them.


  1. Decide how big you want your wall collage to be. Do you want it to cover a whole wall or just a segment of the wall? Do you want the things on the wall to be lots of little things or bigger things. If you are planning to cover an entire wall you have to be aware that it will take a while to fill it, and if you are doing a whole wall collage I would recommend filling it with larger things.
  2. Figure out what to put on it. So with wall collages there is no limit of what you can put on. Whether its sweet wrappers or just photos of you and friends, its your wall collage and so it just has to represent you and your creativity. Some ideas for what you could put on are photos (of you, friends, family, pets, holiday destinations, animals you want to see, celebrities you like etc...), or you could put your own drawings on (perhaps cartoons, portraits of celebrities, Disney characters.. anything you feel like drawing, Quotes which inspire you or maybe even film quotes, song lyrics, concert/cinema/bus/train tickets, album or dvd covers and even wrappers of your favorite food or drinks.
  3. Before you can even start you need to have material to put on your wall. So begin by going through photos, magazines and newspapers and just look for things that you would not mind having on your wall.
  4. Sort them into piles. Its easier to sort your images and quotes into piles before going about sticking them on your wall. You could sort them into your photos, quotes, tickets and magazine and newspaper clippings. This will mean that when you are sticking things on your wall you are less likely to have similar things next to each other as you want your wall to look like a scrapbook not an organized photo album.
  5. It's easier if you have a base point on your wall to put the things around. This could be a picture in a photo frame, canvas or a poster. You do not need to do this, you can just begin your wall collage but it does make it a little easier to know where to start. Start by putting bigger things on the wall, it doesn't matter if there are gaps because you can fill them in after or over time.
  6. After you have stuck all the bigger things on, start using the smaller images to fill in the small gaps. It doesn't matter if the images overlap because the whole point of a collage is to look messy.
  7. Do not get frustrated if you don't fill the wall immediately. Once you have stuck all your things onto the wall, it may not be full. This doesn't mean you have failed; you can just add more things overtime.


  • Stick onto your wall whatever you want. It is your wall so just go wild and be creative!


  • If you have matte paint on your wall (non shiny paint), then be wary to stick blue tac on it. Blue tac tends to peel off matte paint and stain it. If you do have matte walls then you could stick all your images on a huge piece of paper and then stick that on your wall or you could just use sellotape.
  • If you are a child then make sure you ask your parents permission before you begin sticking things onto your wall.

Things You'll Need

  • A blank wall
  • posters
  • photos
  • newspaper/magazine clippings
  • images
  • quotes
  • lyrics
  • tickets (bus, concert,cinema)
  • drawings
  • (anything else you wish to put on it) :)
  • blue tac/sellotape

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