Create an HTML Signature for Gmail
To create an HTML (animated) signature on Gmail is fun to do. Once you learn how to do it you will be able to create new signature images and change them as needed. What you need is an Internet and an image storage program like Photobucket, Flickr etc.. This article uses the Photobucket program. It assumes you already have an album on Photobucket containing a signature image(s).
- Open Gmail,
- Click on "Settings" button
- Select 'Settings' option from drop-down menu,
- Scroll down to the "Signature" section and mark a box as shown on image,
- Stay on Gmail - do not close it,
- Open Photobucket in the other browser window and find a signature image you wish to use,
- Click on image with left mouse button to enlarge it, image will be opened in a new window,
- Click RIGHT mouse button on the image
- Select "Copy Image" option to copy it to clipboard,
- Return to Gmail Signature window where you left it off
- Place a cursor inside the window
- Holding CTRL key click a "V" key
- It will paste your signature image into the window
- Mark a box "Insert this signature before quoted text"
- Scroll down and click on "Save Changes" button to save your work.
- Save a few different animated signatures in your Photobucket album in advance to be able to change between them on GMail
- Described in this article is an easiest method with Copy/Paste. However if a "Copy Image" in step 8 does not work skip steps 7 and 8 and do this instead -
- Click on "Share" button,
- Click on 'Get link code' tab and copy an HTML code to the clipboard,
- Proceed to step 9 and finish the process.