Create an Inside Tent

Want to create a tent inside your house? Follow this simple how-to guide and learn how you can create your own tent indoors.


  1. Choose a big open space, such as a den or family room with a pool inside, or a game room.
  2. Arrange four chairs in a big circle. Place some heavy books on each chair to keep them in place and prevent them from tipping over.
  3. Stretch a large fitted sheet over the top of the chairs.
  4. Connect four large flat sheets together with safety pins. Place one sheet next to another to form a long row.
  5. Wrap the flat sheets around the outside of the four chairs. Attach the flat sheets to the fitted sheet with safety pins. Leave an opening for a door.
  6. Make the peak of the tent. Once inside the tent, use a mop or broom to prop up the center of the fitted sheet.
  7. Place a thick blanket inside the tent to sit on. Add pillows, games, books and favorite snacks. Invite a friend for a sleepover.
  8. Finished.


  • Once inside, tack the center of the fitted sheet to the ceiling with several thumbtacks, if needed.

Things You'll Need

  • Four chairs
  • Heavy books
  • Large fitted sheet
  • Four large flat sheets
  • Mop or Broom

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