Create the Matrix Rain in Command Prompt

Everyone loves the visual effect of the falling binary code "rain" in The Matrix. This article will teach you to create The Matrix rain in Command Prompt.


  1. Run Notepad.
  2. Type the following lines of text in the Notepad screen:
    • echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%

      %random% %random% %random%.
    • goto start
  3. Click "File" and then "Save As." Save your file as a Batch file: "Matrix.bat".
  4. Run the batch file as administrator.
  5. To enlarge screen right click on the command prompt.
  6. Click on properties.
  7. Click on Layout tab.
  8. On the window size section, enter the resolution of your monitor.
  9. Click ok to apply changes.
  10. Type CTRL-C and type "y" to terminate the program.


  • Play with colors, you can type "color A2", or "color 2A" to have a green background with light green text You may use any combination of 0 to 9 and A to F to change back ground and foreground colors.


  • Don't press ESC to close full screen. Instead, press ALT+Enter.
  • You can also exit full screen using CTRL+SHIFT+ESC - Windows 7 or CTRL+ALT+DEL - Windows XP

Things You'll Need

  • Windows OS
  • Notepad

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